(2016) and Cho et al. It is reasonable to expect that savings in uncompensated care costs are less than lobbying spending. This finding supports our H2b, which is not a surprise because government hospitals have public funding for subsidizing uncompensated care costs. WebAMA estimates that 65% of your membership dues are allocable to lobbying activities of the AMA, and therefore are not deductible for income tax purposes. Both Medicare and Medicaid are government-sponsored health insurance plans. The definitive source for aggregate hospital data and trend analysis, AHA Hospital Statistics includes current and historical data on utilization, personnel, revenue, expenses, managed care contracts, community health indicators, physician models, and much more. AHA Center for Health Innovation Market Scan, Updates and Resources on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Institute for Diversity and Health Equity, Rural Health and Critical Access Hospitals, National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC), AHA Rural Health Care Leadership Conference, Individual Membership Organization Events, Map of Community Hospitals in the United States, View the Fast Facts: U.S. Fast Facts will be updated with FY2019 ICU bed counts in February 2021. If hospital lobbying increases employee salaries and/or reduces uncompensated care costs, it is rational to assume that lobbying activities can influence hospitals' ROA, but the combined effects are unpredictable. When Congress comes back from recess, expect more pressure and more pressure. In the United States, NFP organizations, including those that are government owned, have complex and dynamic relationships with the government at federal, state, and local levels and across a broad array of policy arenas (Child and Grnbjerg 2007). Lobbying has both negative and positive connotations. Our findings demonstrate that lobbying impacts hospital performance for up to two years, but the effects in the second year are not as strong as those in the first year, suggesting that the effects of lobbying diminish as time goes by. In the NFP (for-profit) subsample, the average net patient revenues and net incomes are $275 ($123) million and $19.5 ($10.3) million, respectively. Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit OpenSecrets. These units are staffed with specially trained nursing personnel and contain monitoring and specialized support equipment for patients who because of shock, trauma or other life-threatening conditions require intensified comprehensive observation and care. Some studies also use the market concentration index as a control variable for market competition (e.g., Goes and Zhan 1995; Alexander, Weiner, and Griffith 2006; Collum et al. In the U.S. health system, the uninsured often rely on hospitals to provide charity care or, more broadly defined, uncompensated care to meet healthcare needs (Davidoff, LoSasso, Bazzoli, and Zuckerman 2000). Charity care is never expected to be reimbursed, and it is different from bad debts that hospitals incur when they bill patients but do not receive payment (AHA 2010). Your subscription has been The mean (median) of ROA is 0.044 (0.037), which is consistent with that in Collum et al. Evidence from panel data, Uncompensated care provided by for-profit, not-for-profit, and government owned hospitals, The effect of changing state health policy on hospital uncompensated care, Academic earmarks and the returns to lobbying, Hospital ownership and public medical spending, The relationship of hospital ownership and service composition to hospital charges, Aspirations and corporate lobbying in the product market, Political connections and corporate bailouts, Advocating for policy change in nonprofit coalitions, The determinants of hospital profitability, Institutional logics, moral frames, and advocacy: Explaining the purpose of advocacy among nonprofit human-service organizations, The effects of hospital-physician integration strategies on hospital financial performance, In search of El Dorado: The elusive financial returns on corporate political investments, Disaggregating and explaining corporate political activity: Domestic and foreign corporations in national politics. Nonprofit advocacy organizations: Their characteristics and activities, How does electronic health information exchange affect hospital performance efficiency? Total intensive care beds are not summed because the care provided is specialized. For example, Child and Grnbjerg (2007) suggest that lobbying helps NFP organizations access government grants or contracts. Unlike government and NFP hospitals, for-profit hospitals can independently determine employee salaries based on profitability and thus are not involved in lobbying related to employee salaries (Barragato 2002). Therefore, the Intensive care bed counts have been supplemented with FY2018 data reported in the CMS Healthcare Cost Report Information System (HCRIS). Provides patient care of a more intensive nature than the usual medical and surgical care, on the basis of physicians orders and approved nursing care plans. Pediatric intensive care. Intensive care bed counts are reported on the AHA Annual Survey by approximately 80% of hospitals. Regression of Hospital Total Salaries on Lobbying. For example, Richter, Samphantharak, and Timmons (2009) find that a 1 percent increase in lobbying spending will lower effective tax rates by 0.5 to 1.6 percent. Editor's note: Accepted by Thomas E. Vermeer. Thus, the combined effects on hospital financial performance are unknown. One way to address the potential reverse causality concern is to conduct a change analysis (Allison 2009). Therefore, the hospital industry provides us a unique setting to study the different outcomes of lobbying activities among various types of ownership within one industry. Provides care to severely burned patients. Business organizations use lobbying as a vehicle to promote and protect their interests. 2015). Specifically, NFP and government hospitals protect the interests of their employees, who are their major stakeholders, while for-profit hospitals maximize their investors' interests (Fritz 2020). The results of these studies are not warranted when they are generalized across organization ownership. In this study, we use the most recent hospital financial and lobbying expense data to examine the effects of hospital lobbying on employee salaries, uncompensated care costs, and ROA. For example, in 1997, rural hospitals lobbied Capitol Hill to protect their interests by overturning a budget provision that funnels extra Medicare money to large urban hospitals with more than 100 beds (Weissenstein 1997). Whereas some hospitals could benefit from lobbying due to a specific rule or legislation changes, others might be hurt. Larger hospitals will pay higher salaries than their smaller counterparts. Because they have readily available public funding for subsidizing uncompensated care costs, government hospitals typically do not become involved in lobbying activities that are related to uncompensated care costs (Bovbjerg, Cuellar, and Holahan 2000). Nine states had uncompensated care pools. Table 4 presents the results from estimating Model (2). The two datasets do not have matched observations before 2011. 8. The means of MCI, Teaching, and Urban are slightly different from those in prior research because our sample includes more recent data. A multihospital system is two or more hospitals owned, leased, sponsored, or contract managed by a central organization. Most recently, in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the American Hospital Association (AHA) and the American Nurses Association (ANA) have joined forces to lobby congressional leaders for more funding to enhance healthcare workers' pay (Shinkman 2020b). It is interesting to find that hospital lobbying increases ROA only in for-profit hospitals. The mean (median) of Salary is 0.456 (0.383). 2018). WebAbout the Supply of Nurses Rising Openings and Employment The US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 194,500 average annual openings for registered nurses between 2020 and 2030, with employment projected to grow 9%. Many recent publications use outdated hospital data. However, employee salaries in government and NFP hospitals are strictly regulated (Becker et al. Here are some highlights. First, in cost management, we only study the effects of hospital lobbying on employee salaries and uncompensated care costs. Healthcare report: How are U.S. healthcare organizations embracing intelligent automation to enhance patient centricity? Copyright 1998 - 2023 American Accounting Association. Modernizing healthcare payments: exploring the opportunities, challenges and solutions, Leverage a data lakehouse to drive incremental value and quick wins, Nurses' clinical decision-making gets boost from predictive modeling. Researchers also find that lobbying business organizations have a better potential of gaining direct help from the government, in the form of bailouts (Faccio et al. For-profit hospitals have often been accused of cream skimming by selectively admitting only those patients who can be treated at acceptably high price-cost ratios (Eskoz and Peddecord 1985). Thus, if an NFP or government hospital plans to increase its employee salaries and protect their interests, the hospital has to lobby the legislators to raise the standard of reasonable compensation. Pradhan (2020) reports that government and NFP hospitals have been lobbying to protect employees' incomes and interests for a long time. One may argue that when a tax-exempt hospital does not meet the uncompensated care requirements, hospital administrators may choose to spend more on lobbying to protect the hospital's tax-exempt status. try again. As a percentage of all new housing, new HOA construction increased by 34.8%. The estimated coefficients 1 on Lobby_dum or Lobby_exp are positive in all six models. The HIMSS Global Health Conference & Exhibition is the most influential health information technology event of the year, where 40,000+ professionals throughout the global health ecosystem. HOA Industry. For-profit organizations lobby for policies that maximize their profitability, while NFP organizations are also responsive to social needs and public services beyond their own interests (McFarland 1995; Barragato 2002). Hospital costs include salaries (49 percent), supplies (17 percent), uncompensated care (13 percent), and miscellaneous expenses (21 percent) (Patrick 2014). Molinari, Alexander, Morlock, and Lyles (1995) find that size, location, and network are significantly associated with hospital performance. Since we predict that lobbying has different effects on employee salaries and/or uncompensated care costs based on the different types of hospital ownership, we further expect that lobbying will have different impacts on return on assets (ROA) among the three types of hospital ownership. For one, it's a bipartisan effort. In the subsamples of government and for-profit hospitals, the coefficients on Lobby_dum or Lobby_exp are insignificant, suggesting that lobbying does not increase employee salaries in government and for-profit hospitals. Regarding the association between lobbying and stock market returns, prior research finds different results when using distinct market-based measures. Unlock this article by subscribing to STAT+ and enjoy your first 30 days free! The report was filed on Oct. 2, Lobbying is a primary avenue through which business organizations attempt to influence legislation, regulations, or policies. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume no significant change in lobbying expenses due to the ACA during the period between 2011 and 2018. Because prior literature suggests that lobbying is an ongoing process (Chen et al. OHA represents hospitals and health systems throughout Ohio. Therefore, we posit our second set of hypotheses as follows: Hospital lobbying reduces uncompensated care costs in NFP hospitals. Our paper provides evidence to understand that the effects of lobbying vary based on distinct hospital ownership types. de Figueiredo and Silverman (2006) find that lobbying by public universities increases the amount of federal funding they can receive for academic research. AHA is supporting a bill that was introduced by Reps. Zack Space (Ohio-D) and Michael Burgess (Texas-R) in the House, and Sen. Charles Schumer (N.Y.-D) sponsored the Senate version. For example, like educational institution lobbying (de Figueiredo and Silverman 2006), hospital lobbying can also result in more federal funding. We predict that Teaching is positively correlated with Uncomp. Taken together, our findings suggest that NFP hospitals lobby to protect employees' interests, while for-profit hospitals lobby to maximize investors' interests. For further information, contact the AHA Resource Center at rc@aha.org. In the United States, lobbying is practiced primarily by business organizations using either external lobbyists or in-house professionals. We expect that lobbying hospitals could be more effective at cost reduction than their nonlobbying peers. Community hospitals are defined as all nonfederal, short-term general, and other special hospitals. First, it extends lobbying research in the hospital industry by examining the relationship between lobbying and hospital performance. Table 5 presents the results from estimating Model (3). The coefficient on Lobby_exp is 0.1138 in the for-profit subsample, suggesting that $1 of additional lobbying spending increases net income by $1.10 in for-profit hospitals. Because networked hospitals have better financial performance (Nauenberg, Brewer, Basu, Bliss, and Osborne 1999), we predict that Network is positively correlated with Salary. The results suggest that hospital lobbying lowers uncompensated care costs in NFP and for-profit hospitals, supporting our H2a and H2c. This difference might be due to the regulatory constraints on revenues, costs (e.g., wages), and prices in government hospitals (Sloan 1981). Kim (2008) finds that a positive effect of lobbying on return on equity (ROE) exists in the S&P 500 Index's constituent firms. Lobbying is an important avenue for business organizations to influence legislation, regulations, or policies in order to gain competitive advantage. To examine the lagged effects of hospital lobbying on performance, we create Lobbyt2, and Lobbyt3 as the independent variables; i.e., Lobby_dumt2 and Lobby_dumt3 are indicator variables that are set equal to 1 if a hospital has lobbying expenses in year t2 and year t3, respectively, and 0 otherwise. LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESES DEVELOPMENT, The Effect of Changes in Hospital Lobbying Expenses on Changes in Uncompensated Care, Becker, Townshend, Carnell, and Freerks 2013, Cao, Fernando, Tripathy, and Upadhyay 2018, Richter, Samphantharak, and Timmons (2009), Hochberg, Sapienza, and Vissing-Jrgensen 2009, Mathur, Singh, Thompson, and Nejadmalayeri 2013, Healthcare Management Degree Guide [HMDG] 2020, Davidoff, LoSasso, Bazzoli, and Zuckerman 2000, Gapenski, Vogel, and Langland-Orban (1993), Molinari, Alexander, Morlock, and Lyles (1995), Nauenberg, Brewer, Basu, Bliss, and Osborne 1999, https://www.aha.org/system/files/content/00-10/10uncompensatedcare.pdf, https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2019/06/26/top-u-s-non-profit-hospitals-ceos-are-racking-up-huge-profits, https://doi.org/10.1097/00005110-200005000-00004, https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/legal-regulatory-issues/physician-compensation-10-core-legal-and-regulatory-concepts.html, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2016.03.009, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2017.12.012, https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying, https://doi.org/10.1177/000312240406900207, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6237.2007.00457.x, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1740-1461.2012.01265.x, https://doi.org/10.1097/HMR.0000000000000068, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0007650319843626, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6261.2006.01000.x, https://www.investopedia.com/investing/which-industry-spends-most-lobbying-antm-so/, https://www.thebalancesmb.com/stakeholder-2502118, https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/houston/article/4-billion-health-care-for-poor-Texans-at-risk-as-6207561.php, https://www.healthcare-management-degree.net/faq/are-non-profit-or-for-profit-hospitals-better/, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-679X.2009.00321.x, https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/51396/1/MPRA_paper_51396.pdf, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amjmed.2003.10.037, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-010-0478-1, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1541-0072.2006.00143.x, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0165-4101(03)00035-1, https://familiesusa.org/resources/explainer-medicaid-uncompensated-care-pools/, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2012.01.003, https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED386775.pdf, https://doi.org/10.1097/00005650-199533020-00005, https://www.healthcaredive.com/news/hhs-starts-doling-out-12b-in-cares-funds-to-395-hospitals-in-covid-19-hot/577226/, https://doi.org/10.1177/107755879905600402, https://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2015.0107, https://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2015.1144, https://marketrealist.com/2014/11/analyzing-hospital-expenses/, https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/02/12/804943655/doctors-push-back-as-congress-takes-aim-at-surprise-medical-bills, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-5907.2009.00407.x, https://doi.org/10.1177/000765030003900202, https://www.healthcaredive.com/news/hospital-lobby-asks-feds-for-more-cares-funds-targeted-distribution/576239/, https://www.healthcaredive.com/news/hospital-nursing-groups-join-forces-to-lobby-congress-for-more-covid-19-fu/577252/, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2340501, https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022109011000457, Minimizing Overlapping Decision Rights Policy. HIMSS23 Global Health Conference & Exhibition. In the NFP subsample, the mean of total assets is $431 million, and the mean of net incomes is $19.5 million. Consistent with our expectations, we find that (1) lobbying is positively related to employee salaries in NFP hospitals, (2) lobbying is positively related to uncompensated care costs in NFP and for-profit hospitals, (3) lobbying is positively related to ROA in for-profit hospitals, and (4) lobbying has no significant effect on employee salaries, uncompensated care costs, and ROA in government hospitals. In 2020, the Medicaid reimbursement rate for child dental services in Florida was just 42.6% of what private insurance reimbursed on average, according to the American Dental Association. WebEstablished in 1915, OHA is the nations first state-level hospital association. Hospitals Infographics to provide visualizations for this data. At first glance, lobbying spending does not generate a positive return. Prior research only focuses on one type of organization ownership, i.e., either not-for-profit (NFP), government, or for-profit, to study the effects of lobbying. In the U.S., seven states have Medicaid-funded uncompensated care pools,3 which help hospitals defray the costs of uncompensated care. Last, the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 only requires that organizations that spend more than $10,000 on lobbying must register and file reports to disclose the lobbying issues and the amount spent. Healthcare Management Degree Guide (HMDG). OHA exists to collaborate with member hospitals and health systems to ensure a healthy Ohio. Distinctive Characteristics of Hospital Ownership Types. It is not a surprise that Uncomp is higher on average in government hospitals compared to either for-profit or NFP hospitals, because Cram et al. We predict that Size is positively correlated with Salary. We add Leverage as a control variable according to the comments from the 2018 AAA Annual Meeting. (2010) find that government hospitals provide significantly more uncompensated care. In the for-profit subsample, the mean of total assets is $99.9 million. DC 2013). To learn the reason for this finding, we conduct one additional test to study the association between hospital lobbying and revenue. Future research could examine the effects of hospital lobbying on these two areas if relevant data are available. The results persist. Compared to other political activities, lobbying has fewer restrictions and greater efficiency (Hansen and Mitchell 2000; Eun and Lee 2019). AHA does not claim ownership of any content, including content incorporated by permission into AHA produced materials, created by any third party and cannot grant permission to use, distribute or otherwise reproduce such third party content. 2022 by Health Forum LLC, an affiliate of the American Hospital Association. Due to limitations of accessing other cost data, this study focuses on the effect of lobbying on uncompensated care costs reduction. Use the map below to find individual hospitals in the U.S. Click on the "Go to AHA Guide Profile" link to see how many staffed beds are in a hospital. Therefore, we expect this cost saving effect only exists in NFP and for-profit hospitals. We predict that Size is negatively correlated with Uncomp. We follow prior studies to select the control variables. Includes mixed intensive care units. Follow the money on gun rights and gun control groups. Subscribe to STAT+ for less than $2 per day, Unlimited access to essential biotech, medicine, and life sciences journalism, Subscribe to STAT+ for less than $2 per day, Unlimited access to the health care news and insights you need, Beyond Wegovy and Ozempic: Biotechs vie for piece of, Beyond Wegovy and Ozempic: Biotechs vie for piece of red-hot weight loss market with novel strategies, New mega-deal highlights Geisingers fall, and raises concerns about, New mega-deal highlights Geisingers fall, and raises concerns about where Kaiser is going next, Carbon Health blasts a major insurer in rare public, Carbon Health blasts a major insurer in rare public dispute over coverage, Pharmalittle: More biotechs are betting on obesity; Pfizer RSV, Pharmalittle: More biotechs are betting on obesity; Pfizer RSV vaccine faces hurdles in low-income countries, Astellas acquires Iveric Bio for $5.9B, entering competition to, Astellas acquires Iveric Bio for $5.9B, entering competition to treat common cause of vision loss, Sam Waksal and Jeremy Levin plot the turnaround story, Sam Waksal and Jeremy Levin plot the turnaround story of the century. In the NFP and for-profit subsamples, the estimated coefficients 1 on Lobby_dum and Lobby_exp are negative and significant. 2018 Year of Advocacy: Pursuing positive change on every level Because we are unable to access insurance allocations, spending on employee training, and supply cost data, we focus on investigating the effects of lobbying on employee salaries and uncompensated care costs. He was the industrys such as textbooks, contact OpenSecrets: info[at]crp.org. We use the r and cluster options of the regress function in Stata to ensure that standard errors are robust and clustered at the hospital level. Hospitals and related healthcare institutions rank the 8th highest in lobbying with expenditures of over $1.79 billion over the past 22 years (Frankenfield 2020), but According to the Center for Responsive Politics (2020), total annual lobbying spending has continually surpassed $3 billion since 2008. Future studies can utilize different techniques, such as surveys or interviews (i.e., self-reported data) or other available data to explore the effects of lobbying activities that are not regulated by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 as well as those that are conducted at the state and local level. Another goal of lobbying is cost (excluding employee salaries) saving (Frankenfield 2020). To regulate lobbying and increase its accountability, the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 became effective on January 1, 1996. Thus, this study sheds light on distinctions in lobbying among different types of ownership. WebTotal Lobbying Expenditures, 2020 $19,520,000 Subtotal for American Hospital Assn $4,906,466 Subtotal for all subsidiaries Annual Lobbying by American Hospital Assn abcdefhiklmnopqrstuvwxyz Loading chart. In Section IV we present and discuss the results of the empirical tests. We further conduct a supplementary change analysis to show that reverse causality does not drive the association between hospital lobbying expenses and uncompensated care costs. Hospitals in urban and networked hospitals have more access to all kinds of resources than their rural counterparts. The data below are examples of the types of insights that can be pulled from the AHA Annual Survey. The beneficiaries of Medicare and Medicaid are less likely to pay their bills in full amounts. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, Many studies find that NFP organizations that engage in more lobbying receive more donations, grants, or federal funds (e.g., de Figueiredo and Silverman 2006; Nicholson-Crotty 2011; Petrovits, Shakespeare, and Shih 2011). We present the results in Table 6. All rights reserved. We predict the directions of the control variables in Model (1). We present the results in Table 7. Similarly, by examining publicly traded firms, Chen et al. Exclusive analysis of biotech, pharma, and the life sciences, In-depth analysis of biotech, pharma, and the life sciences, from some of the nation's most trusted and well-connected reporters in the industry, with STAT+ reporters and leading industry experts in our STAT+ Conversations series, hosted by STAT+, plus early-bird access and discounts to industry events around the country, get delivered to your inbox to brief you on the most important industry news of the day, like our CRISPR Trackr and Drug Pricing Policy Tracker, from some of the nations most trusted and well-connected journalists, hosted by STAT+, plus early access and discounts to cant-miss industry gatherings, delivered to your inbox with the latest market-moving news and insights, that help you stay up to date with the latest research and developments, on the technologies, personalities, power brokers, and political forces driving changes in life science, plus early access and discounts to industry gatherings, delivered straight to your inbox with the latest industry news, that help you stay up to date with industry research and developments, for the latest news and insights in the world of life sciences, medicine, biotech, and pharma, at exclusive live and virtual events hosted by STAT, with subscriber-only newsletters delivered to your inbox daily. The American Hospital Association is putting pressure on legislators to change one area of the final ruling on the federal incentives for the meaningful use of EHRs. CHA Publishes Lobbying Percentage of Dues for Medicare Cost Reports - California Hospital Association / CHA News CHA News 28 Oct 2021 CHA Publishes Lobbying Percentage of Dues for Medicare Cost Reports For CFOs, controllers Jennifer Newman Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer The American Hospital Association conducts an annual survey of hospitals in the United States. Yangmei Wang, Yuewu Li, Jiao Li; Hospital Lobbying and Performance. We predict that Leverage is negatively correlated with Salary. This competition will lead to better services, and patients are more willing to pay due to better services. Under this regulation, business organizations that spend more than $10,000 on lobbying must register and file reports that disclose lobbying activities and the amount spent on lobbying. Finally, in Section VI, we discuss the conclusions and implications of the current study. We find that hospital lobbying increases employee salaries in NFP hospitals, reduces uncompensated care costs in NFP and for-profit hospitals, and increases ROA in for-profit hospitals; however, all these effects of lobbying are insignificant in government hospitals.

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