The other Merton interview was with tutors in Ancient History and Philosophy, and was designed not to probe knowledge in disciplines of which most candidates have no previous experience, but to try to gauge candidates aptitude for these subjects. To get a sense of what interviews are like,watch our demonstration interviewwith one of our current students and two college tutors, recorded for the 2020 Virtual Open Days, on YouTube. Each applicant was interviewed by two colleges: the college of preference, or allocation if an open application was made, and one other randomly assigned by computer so as to equalise as far as possible the strength of the applicant field at each college (as measured by the numerical ranking produced by the shortlisting algorithm). hb```b``] l,MIQG8MQyB=)!&m?c%Sq=(dhCG\+umzr 8 international fee-status applicants received an offer for 2023. Successful offer holders averaged a result of 49.5. Ratio of applications to offers: 2.14. Interviews were conducted remotely via Teams on 5 and 6 December for 1st-choice colleges, and on 9 and 13 December by the faculty interview panels for the second round of interviews. Each question is separately double blind-marked (markers focus on individual questions to ensure consistency of approach). Candidates interviewed: 620 Places offered for 2024: 11 Of these 658 (607 last year) applicants were shortlisted for interviews. The admissions team at Merton considered the above-mentioned six criteria together with the interview performance when making their final decisions. 2.2.5. Music does not use an aptitude test. This year almost all interviews took place remotely by video call, often using a shared virtual whiteboard. Across the collegiate university, Physics aims to interview around 2.5 applicants per place. After shortlisting, the Degree's Admissions Co-ordinator ran a reallocation exercise across all colleges to ensure that candidates were not disadvantaged by applying to a specific college. 0000022567 00000 n Acceptance rates to graduate programs in the United Kingdom Each candidate for Classics had two interviews with Merton, each lasting about 30 minutes. 1 in 7 Of these, 1605 applicants were contesting the 191 places available for 2023 admission places, or approximately 8.4 applicants per place, with 28 applicants seeking deferred places. 25.4% of eligible applicants resided outside the UK; of these, 5.7% resided inside the EU and 19.7% outside the EU. Candidates who display one or more of the above shortcomings may nonetheless be invited for interview if the paper application reveals a clear justification for, or explanation of, the shortcomings and clear alternative evidence of the candidates potential. After the first interviews the CAAH tutors from all colleges which admit for the subject met to compare the entire field, and candidates were ranked on the basis of interview performance, written work and their UCAS application. We wish all applicants enjoyment and understanding in their future pursuits of physics. dptZ.= ex{b` 0000000016 00000 n You may also wish to consult thepages on specific subjects. The Faculty Admissions Database (MLAD) calculates each candidates Guide Score by double-weighting the Interview Score and single-weighting all other factors. Detailed information on contextualisation is available,published on the University website. College tutors seek advice from Admissions tutors or the Admissions Office in making other offers. The Faculty is also aware that factors such as socio-economic disadvantage and school performance can mean that it is difficult for some students to perform to their full potential before applying to university. 463 applicants identified as international for fee-paying purposes submitted complete applications for 2023 entry. Colleges are responsible for scheduling and conducting interviews for English Language and Literature. For candidates shortlisted for interview, the average score was 46.9. This ranking is for guidance only; all applicants are assessed individually based on their C-scores, PAT scores, interview results, and all information on the UCAS form, including contextual information, and then compared centrally against all applicants applying to Oxford Physics. The PAT has been run for many years, and it is a consistent predictor of future performance at Oxford. This year the test was taken on Wednesday 2 November 2022. All candidates summoned for interview received two interviews by their first choice college. Colleges are set deselection targets so that across all colleges at least 2.75 applicants per place are shortlisted. All proposals for not summoning to the interview had to be agreed by the first-choice college with the admissions coordinator and the second choice college and notified to the admissions mailing list. All decisions are taken carefully and followed strict procedural safeguards to ensure that the best candidates i.e. Where an applicant is eligible and would benefit from it, tutors may nominate them for theOpportunity Oxfordscheme. 3 in 10 The assessment of candidates at the pre-interview stage is based on the following six criteria: It is important to note that weakness in one of these areas may be compensated by exceptional strength elsewhere, as well as by extenuating circumstances (medical conditions, recent bereavements, etc.). Final decisions were made after we had carefully taken into account all the information available to us, not just interview performance. There were a significant number of declared special circumstances, medical certificates or letters drawing attention to adversities in applicants personal lives that may have affected performance or ability to participate in the test. Report on the Physics Admissions Exercise 2020 Provisional shortlisting decisions become final by an agreed deadline unless appealed by another college or the Admissions Coordinator. Every short-listed candidate has two interviews given by a first-choice college and one given by a randomly allocated second-choice college. The table below summarises the distribution of other subject choices amongst applicants this year taking A-levels. Once you have received your results, please check UCAS Track. If you have met the conditions of your offer, the first status update you should check for on UCAS Track is UF (unconditional firm). This means your place has been confirmed at Oxford. Congratulations! What you need to do next: Note that this will be generally lower the acceptances rates (acceptances divided by applicants) published by many other sources. Standard conditions apply to those taking A-levels, the International Baccalaureate or Scottish Highers; for other applicants, tutors will seek advice from the subject coordinator or the colleges admissions tutor in determining a comparable set of conditions. College tutors review the UCAS forms and any other information relevant to individual applications, and in light of all information enter their provisional shortlisting decisions in the web-based admissions database. Some more specific indications of what tutors in particular subjects are seeking, and the processes and competition in each area, can be found under each subject header. In this cycle, 2,621 applicants successfully registered for and sat the MAT (2,816). Colleges were set a target number of interviewees to nominate, based on the number of places they had to offer and ensuring that the total number of interviews across Oxford would equate to three per place. This meant that candidates from a number of oversubscribed colleges were reallocated to other colleges for interview. The Departmental policy is that conditional offers should normally be set at A*AA at A-level with the A* in a science or maths, or the equivalent. Of these applicants: 1,637 successfully registered for and sat the BMAT (1,786 in 2021). A candidate with interview and test marks consistently below 60 is in a weak position, Interview strongly suggests that the candidate is not suitable. Mertons shortlisted candidates for Physics were given two interviews by Merton on Physics and Mathematics and at least one other interview by tutors at another college. Prior to the interviews, we held an online pre-interview meeting to allow the applicants to see who would be interviewing them, to explain the interview process, and to answer any questions. In 2022, weightings were: section 1=40%, section 2=40%, and section 3=20%. nearly 8 candidates per place, which was similar to the number of candidates per place for these subjects across Oxford as a whole. The application college also assessed all applications to their college and made recommendations. 15.8% of applications made were open applications (19.4%). The nominations made were scrutinised further along with the 80 applicants just below the cut-off point. Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford 11 graduates submitted eligible applications (3 of these were international applicants). A number of candidates above the three were also interviewed in second colleges. After colleges have deselected their target number of applicants, some shortlisted applicants are reallocated. Good candidates were able to revise their arguments to take account of new information, to provide examples and counter-arguments, and to defend their conclusions. Shortlisting was performed in accordance withthe stated admissions criteria. All colleges involved were represented by their ML Primary Users together with the Co-ordinators from each Joint Schools and from the Opportunity Oxford scheme. [Prospective candidates are reminded that the Medical School is required by the Higher Education Funding Council to limit the number of international (meaning non-UK/ROI in the most recent admissions round) medical students admitted to a maximum of 7.5% across both the standard (A100) and Graduate Entry (A101) courses - see ouradvice for international applicants]. Interviews might also involve questions that emerge from a candidates personal statement or an extensive discussion of wider reading beyond what a candidate is studying at school. Of the 419 applicants offering A-Levels who were interviewed, 177 (42%) had History. In 2022 the test date was 2 November. uk From the Physics Admissions UCL acceptance rates, statistics and applications Applicant performance was judged according to the admissions criteria. A further 58 candidates had their second-assigned colleges reallocated after the first interviews. However, some of the differences between years and/or courses may be due to different counting methodologies or data gathering errors. The marks achieved by applicants who sat the main PAT test ranged from 3% to 97%, with a mean mark of 51.2% (43.1% in 2021 and 49.5% in 2020) and a standard deviation of 16.9% (17.7% in 2021, 15.9% in 2020). 1 graduate applicant received an offer of a place (graduates compete with school-leavers for places; there is no separate quota). Communication:this can be shown in (for example) a candidates ability to express ideas clearly, to give considered responses to questions, and to address the point under discussion instead of veering off topic. All figures in brackets relate to the previous admissions cycle, 2021/22. However, the circumstances of GCSE grades in summer 2021 (where they were, as in summer 2020, awarded by teacher assessment rather than external exams) made this less reliable as levels of grade inflation differed significantly between schools.

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