Professor Piddington 1 states: In such an area as Polynesia, the amount of significant history which can be reconstructed is negligible . 1835 saw Te Wherowhero lead a group of musket-wielding Ngti Mahuta and Ngti Apakura to settle on the northern Awhitu peninsula. Surely traditions become myths or legends only when the system of recording breaks down, or is too primitive to keep a consistent record, and through changes in the telling, facts become subservient to drama. Ngti Kahu is a Mori iwi of Northland, New Zealand. Inland Patea Genealogies., PIDDINGTON, Ralph, 1951. It will also be noted that Te Manaoterangi married two sisters, Tini and Waipaia, sisters of Kuku, and also generally supposed to be daughters of Parekiteiwi. The year 1844 saw Ngti Te Ata battle our neighbour Ngti Tamaoho at Taurangaruru west of Waiuku, . Each name has the prefix 'Ko', which is not part of the name and has 'his mark' following the moko or mark. For the sake of uniformity it is an easy matter to apply a correction to the figures in the charts. Ko Ngti Wairere he iwi kei Waikato e noho ana. To appreciate the dynamic nature of Ngti Te Ata Waihua we must first acknowledge Te Whakapapa o Ngti Te Ata Waihua. Starting from these, numerous points can be fixed fairly closely in earlier times by application of the limits formulated. It was found that once a key structure had been established, additional genealogies fitted in with increasing ease, like the last pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. Roughly three centuries ago, Ngti Te Ata founded a primary marae at Te Pae o Kaiwaka, known later as Waiuku. Drawing on paper by Pellizzaro-Hurrell, Maya. The takiw shares common interest with many other iwi, whose lives, stories and whakapapa are also interwoven with the landscape. For the purpose of tribal history there is probably no true place for the statistical method, as the material is too limited for close enough approximation. Ngti Whare - Wikipedia This is the first thing of.the kind that has been erected for the natives of New Zealand; and I am glad to learn that other three parties are now arranging to follow this praiseworthy example of our people. On the evidence it must be concluded that the accepted version is condemned. It is an unfortunate fact that some early recordings have been published with errors which have gone back into circulation as accepted Maori tradition. Later most of the descendants headed to Waitetuna district as part of the conquested lands claimed by Te Wehi with the overthrow of the giant tyrant Toa-angiangi, these lands that the fastest runner in Aotearoa claimed were from Pukekohe to Otorohanga and the West Coast, so these Children of Te Wehi and Mariu are of importance as they are founders of many iwi and hapu today. Source: Commissioned Drawing Three. The bird that feasts on knowledge owns the world. Most employees work for its commercial arm, Arahura Holdings, of which Tumahai is chief executive. Signing this document was an assertion of Ngti Te Ata mana and rangatiratanga. Ngti Whare is a Mori iwi of New Zealand. VALORANT Champions Tour 2023: LOCK//IN So Paulo Photograph. John Bumby the Superintendent of the Wesleyan Church to set up a mission in Aotea Harbour, site of the landing of the Aotea Canoe and of an ancient Pa.[17] On the northern side 844 acres were gifted to the Wesleyans[18] for a boys school and mission station & the non-maori speaking Rev H.Hansen.Turton was re-appointed to that area.[19]. As such, Tmaki rp, including most of Ngti Te Ata, abandoned the area and sought refuge with whanaunga in the Waikato or Hauraki beginning in the mid-late 1820s. Pakaue's cousin Tahu-mhina a son of T-irirangi & chief of the Ngti Ariari tribe, lived at Motu-ngaio pa not far from Karere-atua, His failed attempt to obtain these coveted items & remarks from the great Maniapoto chief Te Kanawa O Tahu-mhina, your prestige has been lowered by your younger relative Pakaue, because he has been able to obtain that which has been denied to you. The thought of this made Tahu-mhina very angry. #2. Most include a wharenui (meeting house). Auckland City Libraries Heritage Collections: Kura, Auckland. An ancestor of mine, the Pkeh-Mori John Cowell, noted that even in 1832, there was a noticeable lack of human habitation in Tmaki. On the whole the analytical process strongly vindicates the genuine Tainui traditions, and it is a reasonable assumption that the few versions proved spurious have generally become accepted only in recent times after the demise of the tohunga, and probably very largely as a result of the impact of the pakeha. not less than 20 years for each generation. Similarly Ngamuriwai and Waikauhoe married the sons of Pikirangi, and by this version they would be too young to be ancestresses of Ngati-Apakura lines. Then in mid-April a further two of our rangatira, Waihua Wiremu Ngawaro and Te Tawh signed on the shores of Te Manukanuka, , probably alongside the second signing of Te Katipa. As a result of the isolation of most of the Tainui country following the Waikato war, it is likely, as Princess Te Puea suggests in her foreword to Kelly 7, that the Tainui traditions, still virtually a closed book, are preserved in a purer form than some others. Whatuturoto typically lived at Te Pane Mataaho but sometimes resided on the coast of Te Manukanuka o Hoturoa (the Manukau Harbour) from Maungataketake (Ellets Mountain) to Puhinui, an area which includes whatutroto near the famous Ihumtao. From Nukuhau to Taup-nui-a-Tia, to Hurakia on the Hauhungaroa Range. Mhanga. Very few widely accepted genealogies have in fact proved incompatible. In honour of the deathbed request of their former ariki, Ngti Poutkeka was renamed Te Wai Huakaiwaka, also known as Te Waihua, . VII. Although at the time Ngti Te Ata did not anoint Te Wherowhero as kingi, we still supported our whanaunga, for example, when we acted as a guard of honour for him on June 3rd 1858. The captain of Mmaru was Te Parata who married Kahutianui. | The state reached after a wrong has been corrected through the restoration of relational balance via compensation of some form. Similarly Ngamuriwai and Waikauhoe married the sons . Americas Partner Team. The Raukawa takiw is from Te Wairere, Horohoro, and Phaturoa. For example, the first Mori King, Potatau Te Wherowhero of Ngti Mahuta from the lower Waikato, is a mokopuna (descendant) of Tapaue. BATLEY, R. A. L., 1950. Film negative. 2022. A perfect pattern should never be expected as all the pieces will never be available; nevertheless a very close approximation can readily be obtained. Ko Waikato te iwi Maru-tuahu then gathered in great strength, and sent war-parties in several directions. When near death, Huakaiwaka asked for wai from Te Pkaki tapu o Poutkeka, a tapu (sacred) spring southeast of Te Pane Mataaho, . Ngti Toa lines of descent - Te Ara (3) When two lines connect two individuals, one line being much shorter than the other, the possible length of the period is confined between definite limits. [9] One of Pita and Tirimata sons was Te Mahara Pita Mahu who was very active in claimant for Ngati Te Wehi. He was also the father of many tupuna who themselves have iwi named after them such as Ngti Rangiwewehi . When near death, Huakaiwaka asked for wai from Te Pkaki tapu o Poutkeka, a tapu (sacred) spring southeast of Te Pane Mataaho. He and James Hamlin of the Church Missionary Society assembled several chiefs, probably at Awhitu, but failed to get their agreement. | Homeland of sorts, referring to a place where someone has belonging to through whakapapa. The Wars of Ngati-huarere and Ngati-maru-tuahu, of Hauraki Gulf. . B. W. Roberton, p 4554, Family tree. But the result is interesting.. Therefore, Ngti Te Wehi is connected to & supports The King movement Te Kingitanga,[28] as one of Ngti Te Wehi Marae 'Okapu Marae Te Kotahitanga Ngti Te Wehi' are part of the 29 Marae who hold an Annual General Poukai, 14 March of every year. Auckland. It is possible, though questionable, that reasonable accuracy might be obtained from one or two lines of very great length, such as those going back to the demigods and gods. The hapu is Ngati Mahanga Hourua o Tainui, situated along the Waikato west coast from Aotea harbour to Raglan harbour between the west coast and Pirongia - Purakau ranges up to Ngati Mahuta. Through its earliest Tmaki whakapapa, Te Waihua was fundamentally a branch of Ng Iwi/Ng Oho, . Drawing on paper by Pellizzaro-Hurrell, Maya. Waiharapepe married Matakore, brother of Maniapoto. Putikitiki references the gully area behind Hamilton East School which was part of the Putikitiki block that Ngati Parekirangi, a subtribe of Ngati Wairere, occupied prior to 1864. (4) By making use of interconnections between genealogies, long and short lines can frequently be chosen at will for the purpose of defining limits. Quite apart from the fact that Mahuta is made to marry the great-granddaughter of his sister, Paretahuri,this is quite possible as a general principleit will be seen that there are nine generations from Mahanga to Puakirangi through Tukotuku and two generations through Atutahi. As such, Ngti Te Ata became an important and powerful actor in the Waikato-Auckland trade route that saw Waikato produce feed the growing colonial city. This adds a further 16 years to the period, making 160 years. Tupahau, Huiao, Te Ariari=Karewarewa, Potete=Tahinga, Tuwhakahautaua, Whaturoto, Karewa=Huapiri, Hua, Huirae, =(1) Paoa, Te Tikiorereata, Tarapeka=Parekaka, Tauhakari=, Te Tahuri===Te Ikamaupoho, Koura, Kiwi Tamaki, Kahutoroa=Tautini, =(1) Kuku (2)=(2)Tomirikura (1)=Takapuangana, =Kahuroro, Tumu=, Te Ahooterangi=, =Te Moko, =Te Rawhatihoro, Puku=, =Te Mihinga, Hikairo, Family tree. I use the word design deliberately, as, after the demise of the tohunga, or priests of the whare-kura, the common people acquired the whakapapa, and played havoc with them from their propensity to claim seniority of descent, and manipulating the genealogical lines to prove such seniority, however fictitious they may be. . Te Aotroa Hne Waitere was a Ngti Te Wehi/Ngti Mahanga chief who signed the Manukau-Kawhia copy of the Treaty of Waitangi 15 June 1840. Note: this map has been copied from a modern day map, and as such does not represent a fully accurate depiction of the historical coastline. Ngti Te Ata traces our whakapapa back to these early groups, directly from their namesake ancestors, Some later arrivals in Tmaki came from the Tainui waka, led by Poutkeka son of the wakas leader Hoturoa, . Film negative. | The tikanga of Mori sustainable resource use to preserve resources for future generations. Through the intermixing of Tmakis earliest inhabitants and people from the some of the significant migratory waka, like Tainui, came the Ngti Poutkeka people. Auckland City Libraries Heritage Collections: Heritage Images, Auckland. It was a short-lived conflict with peace quickly being somewhat reinstated. According to the 1874 census, Ngati Te Wehi were registered as an iwi. Dates are derived primarily from known dates in recent times. For Mori it is a taonga, and for many it is also tapu. Go Shopping on the Avenida Paulista. Unlike genealogy, whakapapa is not fixed which allows for connections to seemingly distant people and places. Here Te Katipa gave a speech after the anointment, , potentially outlining his position that he wished for Te Wherowhero to be only a matua (senior figure) to Ngti Te Ata as opposed to an outright king, . Whakaue was a recognised and well respected leader amongst his people. STUDY. It will be understood that the exact positions here of the individuals have been dictated by reference to numerous others not in this table. According to ancestor's, Ngti Te Wehi became an iwi after he had regained his father's Mana and made connections to his granduncles Wharetiipeti and Tapaue of Ngaati Mahuta. For tangata whenua, understanding whakapapa gives an individual or group the key to the door to enact the mana of their tpuna and collective. Overall Ngti Waewae employs 28 staff, including 26 who have whakapapa to the group. A good portion of their wheat has been sold to traders for calico, and print, and sent to Auckland, and other Anglo-New Zealand towns by small vessels. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Portrait. Defining whakapapa as a concept Our tipuna Apirana Turupa Ngata in his famous Rauru-Nui-a Toi Lectures ( 1944) opens with an early statement, 'Whakapapa serve many purposes. If the husband of Pahoro is assumed to be a different and earlier man, and the families are separated, all the difficulties disappear. It is extremely gratifying to see two or three old veterans in barbarous life sitting for hours near the water-wheel; its brisk, rattling noise seems to impart a new life into their warrior hardened souls. The wharenui was named by King Taawhiao who lived on the marae for sometime. While no Pkeh had set foot in the Maungatautari/ Karapiro region until the 1830s, their presence in Aotearoa was felt there in the 1820s. Potatau Te Wherowhero, first leader of Te Kngitanga and descendant of Tapaue. 6 Throughout the charts each date of birth is compatible with every other. Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro noona te ngahere, Ko te manu e kai ana i te maatauranga, noona te ao. Symonds was working in the area on behalf of a proposed Scottish land company settlement. The Pkeh had undoubtedly come. Wellington. At one point, the Ngti Huarere waged a war with the Ngti Hei. Part of the New Zealand Herald obituary for John Cowell. Gideon Smales was appointed to replace Rev Turton. As this did not fit, application was made to Rotorua and the following was obtained from Mr. Haki Karawana(Te Arawa should know best):. Ko Piipiiwharauroa, [1] Te Totara pa on the south . Whaorakiterangi exercised mana over what we would now call the southern Manukau across to the western shores of Tkapa Moana o Hauraki (the Hauraki Gulf), . Te Tiriti ki Waikato-Manukau | Waikato-Manukau sheet. Tukotuku was the daughter of Mahanga a descendant of Hoturoa, captain of the Tainui waka. Great Whakapapa The rich history of Aotea/Great Barrier Island dates back to the initial settlement of Aotearoa by the East-Polynesian ancestors of today's Maori population, Ngati Rehua Ngati Wai ki Aotea, who trace their ancestry over many centuries to the original inhabitants. At a most conservative estimate another six years must be added, making 166 years, or an average of 83 for Mahanga and Atutahi. After these battles about 1675, Kawharu & Toa-Rangatira from Marokopa had Kawhia district in their undisputed possession. (Reference Leslie Kelly, `Tainui'). This limit cannot have been reached often, and 40 years is considered a much more reasonable limit. Ngti Whakaue is named for our ancestor, Whakaue Kaipapa. In Chart I it can be seen that Huiao could not be earlier than 1500, and Rangitairi could not be much later than shown unless several discrepancies in ages are made elsewhere. Glass plate negative. Decades later the korowai cloak & Mere were secured in a round-a-bout way by the rightful owners and placed in Ruakuri, one of three famous caves at Waitomo, but when this cave became known to Europeans they were both removed by Te Moerua The union between Te Ata i Rehia and Tapaue greatly strengthened the bonds of whanaungatanga between Tmaki and Waikato. By 1836 several traders were active in the local area, such as John Kent. If, finally, he had in mind the recent period of the centuries following the Hawaiki migration to New Zealand, a detailed study of the tribal history of the New Zealand Maoris does not support his conclusion.

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