7 The Dog Days Are Over (S5 E2) Netflix. While driving away from Tilda's set, BoJack tries to apologize, but Hollyhock refuses it. She is the author of Secretariat: a Life, which she prepared for by spent three years conducting research and interviews in order to bring light to Secretariat, The Rise and Fall of Strongheart, and the New York Times bestseller Tracing Zippo Pine Bar. Someone has a question for Diane, asking if she was worried that the book would ruin BoJack's reputation, which BoJack also wants an answer to. That is how the show started, but what it morphed into was a look at a former celebrities life and the bad decisions he made that allowed him to remain a popular part of people's pasts while a burden on anyone who cared about him in his present-day life. Diane Nguyen (born March 19, 1980) is a human Vietnamese-American writer, "misunderstood intellectual," and third-wave feminist from Boston, who lived with her well-off and famous ex-husband, Mr. Peanutbutter, until their divorce in Season 5. ", "You Can't Keep Doing S**tty Things, And Then Feel Bad About Yourself", "You're BoJack Horseman. But in these BoJack Horseman quotes, Diane points out that someone can get a happy ending, and then afterward learn that not everything is going to remain that way forever. The next day, Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter finally return to their new home. BoJack scoffs this off, claiming the dozens of people chanting his name at his party prove that he will have people around when he kills himself. Diane is mentioned in The View from Halfway Down, where after BoJack realizes during his dream hes actually drowning, he remembers before he went in his pool he called Diane. Ana also tells Diane she was right about how men are always given cover for the bad things they do over and over again. Princess Carolyn tries to get pregnant. She is still having a hard time writing about her abusive upbringing, and the idea that everyones trauma makes them who they are, which she refers to as "good damage." Consider Breaking Bad, Rick and Morty, The Sopranos, House of Cards, Ozark, Ray Donovan, Deadwood, Boardwalk Empire and BoJack Horseman. Diane attends BoJack's end of the year showcase for his acting class at Wesleyan, where she tries to talk to Princess Carolyn but she tells her to not be rude to the performers. When Diane returns home, Mr. Peanutbutter picks her up from the airport, but when he is about to drop her off at her apartment, he hands her his finalized divorce papers. Meanwhile, Diane considers her next career move after the success of One Trick Pony. BoJack tries to cheer her up and says they can promote feminism and destroy the patriarchy if they take down Vance. Diane says it's definitely the best thing for him. After he confirms to her that he has really good lawyers, Princess Carolyn and Ralph have sex in the back of the police car after having not made it home in time. Diane is bewildered that he hasn't changed at all. Diane is the only daughter of Pa Nguyen and Ma Nguyen, the younger sister of Tommy, Marty, and Artie, and the adoptive younger sister of Gary. Hollyhock was the first development in the opposite direction. She sees Hank being interviewed by Tom Jumbo-Grumbo on the TV. She also tells BoJack that she doesnt regret marrying Mr. Peanutbutter because there are people in your life who make you who you are even if theyre not in your life forever. BoJack, accepting his fate, asks if he can at least stay on the phone with her, she agrees. Now this may just be me trying to create unnecessary drama, for BoJack has changed for the better this season. She's culpable for BoJack's advances on Penny. Intrepid Reporter: She compromises her integrity by sleeping with BoJack. They travel there to meet him, but shortly after they arrive Diane gets a call from an upset Mr. Peanutbutter. They are able to get a lead and several employee interviews, who reveal Matt was trying to expose the poor working conditions, and they even left his body outside as a warning. However, she eventually realized while she didnt trust her happiness, she trusted Guy, and she moved to Houston and later married him, the latter of which she reveals to BoJack by showing a wedding ring on her left hand. They argue, and end up having "angry sex" again despite being divorced. Jennifer Lopez flaunts her sensational legs to promote her new shoe Diane is a nice, intelligent, nerdy third-wave feminist woman who is shy at social gatherings but ironically bold and upstanding when she sees it's necessary, such as pointing out injustices she sees happening around her. The scene hits viewers hard as BoJack and Wanda's relationship ends. Diane runs into BoJack to tell him shes moving to Chicago, and when its announced Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles are at the door Diane rushes up to the bedroom, with BoJack following questioning her. Diane is furious, as besides, the fact she's told him numerous times she hates grand gestures, the room was her personal dream/fantasy, and to her, it's ruined now. What Happened With Sarah Lynn On 'BoJack Horseman'? 13 - Bustle Episode guide While she anxiously waits for it to kick in, Alexi's friends bring up how Alexi texted a "cool sexy" girl named Diane and told her to come to the party. In the saccharine sitcom world, settling down as a professor would be . The moment when BoJack finally faced a consequence for his drinking and drugs, that hadn't really been there before. When Mr. Peanutbutter's house falls underground due to his support for fracking, the guests at his fundraisers get trapped in his house for 10 days. He stands behind her as she types and likes what he sees. This means most people look for happy endings at the end of movies, books, and television. Diane says that nothing she does causes any real change to happen, but BoJack says that she changed him. Her opinionated nature also seems to harm her just as much as her temper, since Diane often exhibits a mild form of social anxiety, and sometimes tends to deeply question how she feels. Diane replies "Sometimes, sometimes lifes a bitch, and then you keep living. He tells her she can put this in the book, and that he doesn't care what anyone thinks anymore. He quickly leaves, leaving Dr. Indira having to lose two clients in one day. "You Can't Keep Doing S**tty Things, And Then Feel Bad About Yourself Like That Makes It Okay! Sonny is sullen towards Diane, and after Guy goes to get cheese fires he tells Diane his dad has a thing for broken women and they leave after he nurses them back to health, and that his mom and dad are gonna get back together. Throughout See Mr. Peanutbutter Run, a voice-over of her voicemails to BoJack, who has disappeared, keeping him up to date with everything that is happening. Diane ends up writing what BoJack did to Penny based on his dialogue on the tape into the episode, with Philbert finding and kissing a teenage girl on the submarine, and leaving her to die while escaping the submarine. BoJack tells her to give up for looking for enough because it'll never be enough. While BoJack is having another session with Dr. Indira, Diane breaks in and catches him. People all have moments where they feel like crying, and sometimes it helps to take a hot shower and let it all come out. BoJack leaves and goes to Diane's. Diane is starting to get angry, while BoJack tries to divert attention to himself by saying he texts and drives. Guy begs her to come live in Chigaco with him, because shed be so much happier, but Diane rejects, saying its too much pressure to have him be the only good thing in her life. However, in Season 3, their marriage has appeared to be strained from Diane's lie, as the two (typically Mr. Peanutbutter) constantly call each other to check in on each other and say they understand and respect what they have to say, and they start going to marriage counseling. Diane looks hesitant, and the scene cuts to her tell Mr. Peanutbutter at their home that she got the job. He confesses to her that everyone on set thinks he's a genius but he has no idea what he's doing. It's Too Late.". BoJack takes nearly all of the people in his life for granted. She also mentions that she knows that BoJack did something to a girl in New Mexico. She calls him about this, where he reveals he wrote it in on weekend, and even calls writing easy. In Yesterdayland, she rolls her eyes at BoJack and Wanda, saying the first woman BoJack got with that's his age is a stunted twenty-year-old, as Wanda just woke up from a thirty-year coma. Diane admits she felt like her life was like a puzzle with pieces that dont fit, and for a while, it felt it felt natural and was jarring when it didnt feel that way anymore, but she gradually began to trust it. Let's Find Out!. One night, Diane is jolted awake by the sounds of a bombing. As they argue, BoJack takes some cheese from a cheese plate. When the two are in bed at night, Diane tells him she's worried about Captain Peanutbutter and tells Mr. Peanutbutter he should talk to him. BoJack Horseman (season 1) - Wikipedia They offer to let the two of them sleep it off in their guest bedroom but in their high state, BoJack and Sarah Lynn run off. BoJack tries to explain how the audience isn't supposed to like Philbert as a character or agree with anything he does and realizes that what the show is doing is normalizing Philbert's behavior. She brings her own bags to the grocery store. She eventually realized while she didn't trust her happiness, she trusted Guy, and she finally moved to Houston and married him . She explains that she won't be working on the second season of the show. Later, BoJack talks about how the last few years have been rough, and he tells her about his daughter, Hollyhock, and how he's trying to help her find her mom. She says getting an abortion is scary, but it becomes less scary when you can laugh at it. Diane, furious, responds with telling him that after he wins his Oscar, he'll go home and will be so miserable he'll kill himself, and he'll have no one around to stop him. Everyone in the audience does this and is shocked. This revelation occurs after Diane critiques Vance's publicist, Ana Spanikopita (Angela Bassett), saying: Although Diane does not say as much out loud, her words about Vance reveal that if she did not know BoJack personally, she would be arguing that her best friend could never move past the pain he's cause others and she realizes this. March 19, 1980 [1] Ana calmly tells Diane she's given her a lot to think about, and leaves. She and BoJack, after meeting with Pinky in New York, stop in Boston for Diane to quickly give her condolences. Diane is an outspoken feminist and BoJack has hurt and manipulated women for most of his adult life. Flip yells cut and refers to himself a genius. Diane tells BoJack in a resigned tone to say whatever he wants and asks him to leave because she has work to do. He calmly confronts her over the article she published about him. However, Diane confesses she's tired of squinting and breaks down crying, leaving a downed Mr. Peanutbutter to realize their relationship has finally come to an end. In the case of BoJack's book, series creator Raphael Bob-Wakesberg explained her name was on the book because Diane felt a third-person perspective was more intriguing and realistic, as she could make observations BoJack would never make about himself, and while Pinky agreed it wasnt what they were expecting he also agrees its a lot better. BoJack says she still hurt his feelings and she never really apologized. Netflix. Later that night, BoJack and Wanda have a fight and break up. Diane helps BoJack despite her better judgment, and remains his friend even after his involvement in Sarah Lynn's death is revealed to the public. But Season 5 suggests that this message of redemption may actually be harmful. Princess Carolyn consoles her saying Ivy Tan could do that to, and she likes the idea of her own daughter growing up with books like that, convincing Diane to write Ivy Tran. Easy, Diane isn't into Bojack, is not particularly sexually promiscuous and she was really down because of herself rather than any inherent problem with the relationship. Then you fell in love with me. ", "Why Can't I Be Happy? Diane doesnt necessarily like what she wrote because she wants to write about her damage but her medication is making everything foggy, which is what she was scared of before going on them. BoJack tells her he'll take her to her mom, and to just ignore the fire. Matt Garofalo At the time, the two had not yet formed their friendship and Diane still saw BoJack as a celebrity which she was a fan of and wanted to meet. In BoJack the Feminist, controversial actor Vance Waggoner, with a history of abusive and offensive behavior that inevitably tends to go overlooked, is cast as Fritz on Philbert, and is about to receive a Forgivie Award. Diane then explains how she's an untrustworthy new source and a hypocrite after her actions. This story is really her way of telling Guy she wants to move in with him in Chigaco. Diane sees Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles, The waitress from the restaurant, kiss. BoJack is relieved, saying that he'd go back to the past and prevent this whole situation if he could, because he doesn't need any more of him running around. These are the show's saddest quotes and are guaranteed to give you the feels. Why DIDN'T Diane and BJ sleep together in S2E10? - Reddit However, they haven't always been great towards each other. In the Season 3 episode, "It's You," Todd finally snaps when he learns that BoJack had sex with Emily, and calls out BoJack on all the other things he's done. When they get to the apartment, Diane asks for Mr. Peanutbutter to come inside with her. BoJack tries to give her a compliment, but Diane's response is taken the wrong way. By the finale, she moves to Houston, Texas to be with Guy, whose ex-wife and son moved there as well, and marries him shortly afterward. This upsets Hollyhock and she runs out. Diane counters this, by saying the stories they are covering are really making a difference. Shital & Niraj Took A Major Step In Their Relationship After 'Indian Matchmaking', Young Mazino Loves That 'BEEF' Is Making People Call Their Brothers, 'The Diplomat' Season 2 Will Officially Address That "Jaw-Dropping Cliffhanger", King Charles & Camilla's Scandal-Filled Relationship Started Over 50 Years Ago, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. BoJack Horseman: The BoJack Horseman Story, Chapter One On the set, BoJack announces that his mother died, but he doesn't need any condolences. I'm A Pit That Good Things Fall Into!". Sarah Lynn's tragic death is one of the saddest scenes in the series. Diane passes out by this point, and BoJack covers her with a blanket. Feeling the majority of the book painted him in a bad light, BoJack refuses to listen to Diane's explanation that she is honoring their agreement from before to tell his story "warts and all" and how his vulnerability would help connect him to readers.

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