On November 5, 2021, the Secretary of Health and Human Services issued an Interim Final Rule that amended the conditions of participation in Medicare and Medicaid to require certain providers and. on NARA's archives.gov. We also considered including visitors, such as family members. Document Drafting Handbook The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable [17] [5556] These recommendations, which emphasize close monitoring of clients of group homes for individuals with disabilities or ICFs-IID for symptoms of COVID-19, universal source control, physical distancing, use of masks, hand hygiene, and optimizing engineering controls, are intended to protect staff, residents, and visitors from exposure to SARS-CoV-2. On March 2, 2021, CDC issued Interim Considerations for Phased Implementation of COVID-19 Vaccination and Sub-Prioritization Among Recommended Populations, which notes that increased rates of transmission have been observed in these settings, and that jurisdictions may choose to prioritize vaccination of persons living in congregate settings based on local, state, tribal, or territorial epidemiology. Education and vaccine administration must be reflected in facility policies and procedures, as well as in staff and resident records. route, and needle length recommendations for all vaccines and recipients; Pricing for Each Schedule $10.00: 1 copy $9.50 each: 2-4 copies $8.50 each: 5-19 copies $7.50 . Accessed on March 23, 2021. 9. For the COVID-19 vaccines, safety monitoring is also being conducted. We believe these activities would be performed by the infection preventionist (IP), director of nursing (DON), and medical director in the first year and the IP in subsequent years as analyzed below. We believe that all of the education provided by the ICF-IID to the client, client's representative and the staff would be virtually identical. We are providing a 60-day public comment period. The requirements for LTC facilities and ICFs-IID established by this IFC can be met by offering current and future COVID-19 vaccines authorized by FDA under EUA, or any COVID-19 vaccines licensed by FDA, as well as any COVID-19 vaccine boosters if authorized or licensed. See MMWR, Preliminary Estimates of the Prevalence of Selected Underlying Health Conditions Among Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019United States, February 12-March 28, 2020, April 3, 2020, at https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6913e2.htm#T2_down. To enhance our future efforts to support reasonable and effective COVID-19 vaccination programs in congregate living facilities, we seek public comment on a number of issues, including the following: Where such data are available, we are requesting respondents include data indicating: We acknowledge the lengths that congregate living and HCBS providers have gone to keep their residents, clients, and staff as safe as possible during the COVID-19 PHE, and request their input on ways that CMS and HHS can further support safety and reduce the risk of infection moving forward. There are also ethical Start Printed Page 26335issues related to potential discouragement of visiting volunteers or family members. Therefore, this activity is exempt from the PRA in accordance with 5 CFR 1320.3(b)(2). If you test positive for COVID-19 andhave mild to moderate symptoms, but are at high risk for getting very sick from COVID-19, you may be eligible for oral antiviral treatment. There are many unknowns (for example, whether vaccine protection lasts only one year rather than 3 years or more, and the possibility of variants that reduce the effectiveness of currently approved vaccines) and we cannot estimate the effects of each of the possible interactions among them, but throughout the analysis we point out some of the most important assumptions we have made and the possible effects of alternatives to those assumptions.Start Printed Page 26328, This rule presents additional difficulties in estimating both costs and benefits due primarily to the fact that an unknown but significant fraction of current LTC staff and residents have already received an explanation of the benefits of vaccination to persons who are elderly or high risk from specific health conditions or both, and the rarely serious risks associated with vaccination (for example, the statistically negligible risk of severe allergic reactions to the vaccine). There are also individuals who may enter the facility for specific purposes and for a limited amount of time, such as delivery and repair personnel, or volunteers who may enter the ICF-IID Start Printed Page 26318infrequently (meaning less than once weekly). In addition, we are requiring facilities to offer COVID-19 vaccines to residents, clients, and staff. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pandemic-guidance/index.html. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. Accessed on January 26, 2021. The risk of death in this age group is one tenth that of those aged 65-74. Our Scorecard ranks every states health care system based on how well it provides high-quality, accessible, and equitable health care. Requiring LTC facilities to report on resident and staff vaccination status, in conjunction with the existing COVID-19 testing data, would provide the data necessary to identify the outcomes of Pharmacy Partnership participation and determine vaccine uptake targets. Medicare wants to help protect you from COVID-19: Military hospital ships and temporary military hospitals dont charge Medicare or civilians for care. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The largest part of those costs is for hospitalization and they are very substantial. Some examples of evidence of compliance may include sign in sheets, descriptions of materials used to educate, summary notes from all-staff question and answer sessions. A lesser but still very substantial amount of these morbidity costs is for care of gravely ill patients within the nursing home, but reducing those costs is another benefit we are unable to estimate at this time. 553, and, where applicable, section 1871 of the Act. In this IFC, we follow on policy issued in the September 2, 2020, COVID-19 IFC, which revised regulations to strengthen CMS' ability to enforce compliance with Medicare and Medicaid LTC facility requirements for reporting information related COVID-19 and established a new requirement for LTC facilities for COVID-19 testing of facility residents and staff. By express or overnight mail. https://www.medicare.gov/care-compare/. As a practical matter, legislative or lawmaking power might be defined as writing rules that operate prospectively to constrain conduct. [13] Any additional costs are minor and are discussed in more detail in the RIA below. Section 1919(h)(2)(A)(ii). Lawrence, J.P. Anderson, R.M. At new 483.460(f), the ICF-IID is required to, at a minimum, document that their staff were provided education regarding the benefits and potential risks associated with the COVID-19 vaccine and that each staff member was offered the vaccine or was provided information on how to obtain it. DAVID A. LIEB and KAVISH HARJAI Associated Press, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. A recent White House report describes the evidence that vaccine requirements work. In addition to ongoing education and informational updates for all staff members, we expect that new staff will be screened to determine vaccination status, and potential need for appropriate education on COVID-19 vaccines during their onboarding or orientation. Ensuring the health and safety of all Americans, including Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, and health care workers is of primary importance. If you have other coverage like a Medicare Advantage Plan, review your Explanation of Benefits. Report anything suspicious to your insurer. Despite their inclusion in most states' tier 1 vaccine priority category, it is CMS's understanding that very few individuals who are residents of LTC facilities are likely able to independently schedule or travel to public offsite vaccination opportunities. documents in the last year, 24 As the discussion of other patient groups covered by this rule demonstrates, they present similar if not identical magnitudes of both costs and benefits for affected individuals (benefits from staff vaccinations, however, are far lower). Executive Order 13132 establishes certain requirements that an agency must meet when it promulgates a proposed rule (and subsequent final rule) that imposes substantial direct requirement costs on state and local governments, preempts state law, or otherwise has federalism implications. As indicated in the next section, the facility must also ensure that the provision of the education and the resident's decision must be documented in the resident's medical record. To ensure broad access to a vaccine for America's Medicare beneficiaries, CMS published an Interim Final Rule with Comment Period (IFC) on November 6, 2020, that implemented section 3713 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act which required Medicare Part B to cover and pay for a COVID-19 vaccine and its administration without any cost-sharing (85 FR 71142, November 6, 2020). Assuming that the average life expectancy of long-term care residents is five years, the monetized benefits of saving one statistical life would be about $2.5 million ($540,000 annually for 5 years) at a 3 percent discount rate and about $3.7 million ($900,000 annually for 5 years) at a 7 percent discount rate. These specific data collections replace and refine the current requirement, set out at 483.80(g)(1)(viii), based on the opportunities presented by the development and authorization of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutic treatments. The president has ordered all health-care facilities that receive federal Medicaid or Medicare funding to mandate vaccines for their workforces with no testing option. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/long-term-care.html. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/group-homes.html. While the existing requirements should ensure that ICFs-IID provide clients with a COVID-19 vaccine, we note that it does not address vaccine education. Under the RFA, small entities include small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions. 553 authorize the agency to waive these procedures, however, if the agency for good cause finds that notice and comment procedures are impracticable, unnecessary, or contrary to the public interest and incorporates a statement of the finding and its reasons in the rule issued. Employers in Idaho with mandatory vaccination policies should consult with counsel to determine the appropriate next steps. Unfortunately, we have significant data gaps about the effects of COVID-19 and vaccination rates among ICF-IID clients, with fewer than 80 ICFs-IID voluntarily reporting vaccination data through NHSN. Reductions in resident, client, and staff mortality are benefits for which techniques exist (though with some uncertainty) to express estimates in dollar terms. Any vaccine that receives Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorization, through an EUA, or is licensed under a Biologics License Application (BLA), will be covered under Medicare as a preventive vaccine at no cost to beneficiaries. But companies may be hesitant to penalize employees for a government edict. In addition, new 483.460(a)(4)(iv) requires that the ICF-IID, in situations where there is an additional dose of the COVID-19 vaccine that was administered, a booster, or any other vaccine needs to be administered, must provide the client, client's representative, and staff member with the current information regarding the benefits and risks and potential side effects for that vaccine, before the facility requests consent for administration of that dose. As for the recipients of such education, we assume that about three-fourths of them are residents, and one-fourth staff. Well, Bidens already doing that. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/info-by-product/clinical-considerations.html, 34. 13. Yet the average years of remaining life among younger persons at these ages is far greater than among older persons at higher ages. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid will issue an emergency regulation in September, making staff vaccination a condition of funding. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 05/11/2021 at 11:15 am. 56. If other benefits or risks or possible side-effects are identified in Start Printed Page 26315the future, whether through research, or authorization or licensing of new COVID-19 vaccines, those facts should be incorporated into education efforts. Implementation of COVID-19 education and vaccination programs in ICFs-IID will help protect clients and staff, allowing an eventual return to more normal routines, including timely preventive health care; family, caregiver and community visitors; and group and individual activities. Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official This table estimates that during the first year after the issuance of this regulation, as many people will be candidates for vaccination in these facilities as during the first three months of calendar year 2021 (see last column). It also assumes that only about half of year-end residents will have been vaccinated when this rule is issued even though most residents at the beginning of the year will have been vaccinated. Since residents are rarely in the labor market while in the facility, this base income has not been adjusted for fringe benefits or employer expenses. We estimate that this would require 6 hours of an IP's time annually. We note that as of this writing there remains a major unanswered question as to whether and if so to what extent vaccinated persons transmit COVID-19. These can be useful Many states have either closed a significant number of these facilities completely or downsized them through rebalancing efforts,[7] [96], To put these cost, benefit, and volume numbers in perspective, vaccinating one hundred previously unvaccinated LTC residents who would otherwise become infected with SARS-CoV-2 and have a COVID-19 illness would cost approximately $54,200 ($542 100) in paperwork, education, and vaccination costs. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6949e1.htm. We require at new 483.80(d)(3)(i) that LTC facilities develop and implement policies and procedures to ensure that they offer residents and staff vaccination against COVID-19 when vaccine supplies are available. This would require that a staff person document the required information in the staff person's record. Long-term care facilities, a category that includes Medicare SNFs and Medicaid nursing facilities (NFs), must meet the consolidated Medicare and Medicaid requirements for participation (requirements) for LTC facilities (42 CFR part 483, subpart B) that were first published in the Federal Register on February 2, 1989 (54 FR 5316). Has your State or county included residential and adult day health or day habilitation staff on the vaccine-eligible list as health care providers? For ICFs-IID, education and administration of the vaccine must be reflected in facility policies and procedures, as well as in staff and client records. A Rule by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on 05/13/2021. Call your providers office to ask about any charges you think are incorrect. National Law Review, Volume XII, Number 40, Public Services, Infrastructure, Transportation. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pandemic-guidance/index.html. 67. Education for residents and representatives must also provide the opportunity for follow-up questions and be conducted in a manner that is reasonably understood by the resident and the representatives. Compared to Whites, racial/ethnic minorities tend to be cared for in facilities with limited clinical and financial resources, low nurse staffing levels, and a relatively high number of care deficiency citations. In addition, NHSN reporting of vaccine and therapeutics must be reflected in facility policies and procedures, with evidence of data submission. Medicare and Medicaid Programs, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), and Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Additional Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (85 FR 54820). https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/people-with-developmental-disabilities.html. On January 13, 2022, the Supreme Court weighed in on these challenges, ultimately upholding the Rule. 1213-1217. In imposing this requirement, however, employers must be mindful of federal laws prohibiting discrimination, regulating health plans, and protecting privacy. Individuals may report adverse reactions to a COVID-19 vaccine to either program. As discussed above in section II.A. [86] This rule's description of LTC facility staff is limited to individuals working in the facility on a regular (at least weekly) basis, while the definition set out at 483.80(h) includes workers who come into the facility infrequently, such as a plumber who may come in only a few times per year. CDC further notes that congregate living facilities may choose to vaccinate residents and clients at the same time as staff, because of shared increased risk of disease.[4]. For those same reasons, we find it is impracticable and contrary to the public interest not to waive the delay in effective date of this IFC under the APA, 5 U.S.C. Laura Kelly, a Democrat who faced reelection in a Republican-leaning state, said last year that the vaccine mandate conflicted with state law and could worsen workforce shortages. The second IFC was the Medicare and Medicaid Programs, Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), and Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Additional Policy and Regulatory Revisions in Response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency interim final rule with comment, which appeared in the September 2, 2020 Federal Register (85 FR 54820) with an effective date of September 2, 2020 (hereafter referred to as the September 2nd COVID-19 IFC). Hence, for all 15,600 LTC facilities, the burden would be 187,200 (12 15,600) at an estimated cost of $12,542,400 ($804 15,600). The third major cost component is the vaccination, including both administration and the vaccine itself. I wrote then that while I believe it is wise for everyone to get the shots, forcing it on workers would be the wrong way to handle the situation. Coverage, Costs, and Payment for COVID-19 Testing, Treatments, and Vaccines: Description: Expiration: MEDICARE Beneficiaries in traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage pay no cost sharing for . Health care inequities faced by the general population, discussed further in Section I.D. Medicare covers the updated COVID-19 vaccine at no cost to you. CMSs goal is to bring health care providers into compliance. It is important to talk to clients and representatives to learn why they may be declining vaccination and tailor educational messages accordingly, that is, by addressing specific questions or concerns. Report anything suspicious to Medicare by calling 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). For example, when the Pharmacy Partnership completed its time commitment in LTC facilities, it probably had seen only about half of the persons who will reside or work in these facilities in 2021. See MEDPAC, Report to the Congress: Medicare Payment Policy, March 2019, Skilled nursing facility services, page 200. Thus, for each ICF-IID to meet this requirement would require 6 burden hours at an estimated cost of $402 ($67 6 hours). For example, documentation of communications with the facility medical director, the local health department, or listing of vaccination sites may be used to show efforts to make the vaccine available to residents, clients, and staff. CMS expects certified Medicare and Medicaid facilities to act in the best interest of patients and staff by complying with new COVID-19 vaccination requirements. While there are no data regarding client and staff turnover rates in ICFs-IID, it is reasonable to assume that staff turnover rates may be as high as those in LTC facilities (see the RIA section of this preamble). Turnover rates are unknown, but likely to be substantial because these clients have many alternatives. This is an important requirement, said Dr. Georges Benjamin, executive director of the American Public Health Association. Not only does it protect the health care worker themself, but it also protects the patients.. https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/counterterrorism-and-emerging-threats/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19. ICFs-IID have not historically been required to participate in national reporting programs to the extent that Start Printed Page 26309other health care facilities have. This toolkit provides LTC administrators and clinical leadership with information and resources to help build vaccine confidence among residents, clients, and staff. Employers must, however, keep vaccine information on individual employees confidential and store it separately from personnel files. Mandate currently unenforceable in 25 states. This is not a paperwork burden and are covered in the RIA that follows. A regulatory impact analysis (RIA) must be prepared for major rules with economically significant effects ($100 million or more in any 1 year). 27. Accessed at https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes291141.htm. Recent federal agency guidance makes these requirements clearer. documents in the last year, 1407 The prevalence of COVID-19, in particular the Delta variant, within health care settings increases the risk of unvaccinated staff contracting the virus and transmitting the virus to patients. [6] Wendy E. Parmet: Americans are suing to protect their freedom from infection. 65. The IP would need to review the information available on the vaccines, determine what information needs to be presented to staff, and gather that information as appropriate for their facility's staff. This situation is particularly concerning because people with intellectual or developmental disabilities are at a disproportionate risk of contracting COVID-19.[18]. Thou shalt not discriminate on the basis of disability, for example, is a law that Congress effectively created in 1990 with the Americans With Disabilities Act. [48] These estimates do not reflect use of the new Johnson & Johnson/Jannsen one-dose vaccine. 11-9111 Medical and Health Services Managers. Especially in previous months, vaccination distribution policies giving priority to various groups (for example, aged, health care workers, and other essential services workers) has meant that those given priority have benefited to some extent at the expense of those in lower priorities. CMS cited substantial compliance with the vaccination requirement while making the change. $40 per dose is a rough estimate based on experience to date. An employer need not offer an accommodation for a disability or religious objection if doing so would cause an undue hardship to the employer, meaning a significant difficulty or expense for a disability accommodation or more than minimal cost or burden for a religious accommodation. People reside in LTC facilities and ICFs-IID because they need ongoing support for medical, cognitive, behavioral, and/or functional reasons. Our intent in mandating reporting of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics to NHSN is in part to monitor broader community vaccine uptake, but also to allow CDC to identify and alert CMS to facilities that may need additional support in regards to vaccine education and administration. As previously discussed, we do not have current reporting data on facility compliance with COVID-19 vaccination best practices of the kinds established in this rule. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home. We believe this educational material would likely be selected by the IP. corresponding official PDF file on govinfo.gov. We also estimate that vaccination reduces the chance of infection by about 95 percent, and the risk of death from the virus to a fraction of 1 percent. Section 1102(b) of the Social Security Act requires us to prepare a RIA if a proposed rule may have a significant impact on the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals. Title VII also requires employers to offer reasonable accommodations to employees who decline vaccination because of sincerely held religious beliefs, practices, or observations. While an ICF-IID is unlikely to be a COVID-19 vaccination provider, all vaccinations should be appropriately documented. 90. Nor do we have data on the number of persons in these settings who will be vaccinated through other means during the remainder of the year. Finally, we also waived, in part, the requirements at 483.430(e)(1) related to routine staff training programs unrelated to the public health emergency. The most common side effects following vaccination are dependent on the specific vaccine that an individual receives, but the most common may include pain at the injection site, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills. Now, they can say the mandate wasnt their choice, that it was forced on them, too. OSHA, also on November 5, issued a rulewhich it called an emergency temporary standardrequiring large employers to develop, implement, and enforce a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy, [or] instead adopt a policy requiring employees to elect to undergo regular COVID-19 testing and wear a face covering at work in lieu of vaccination.. [27] The first year burden would be 62,400 hours (4 15,600) at an estimated cost of $5,865,600 ($376 15,600). But the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services does not scrutinize the rationale for such exemptions. On December 1, 2020, the Advisory Committee in Immunization Practices (ACIP) met and provided recommendations; CDC adopted ACIP's recommendation: That health care personnel and long-term care facility residents be offered COVID-19 vaccination first (Phase 1a). At new 483.460(a)(4)(ii), we require that the ICF-IID provide all of its staff with education regarding the benefits and potential risks associated with of the COVID-19 vaccine. Since the publication of the September IFC, the FDA has issued EUAs for multiple vaccines developed to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Finally, health departments for states, the District of Columbia, and territories all have access to NHSN data for their jurisdictions and can use these data to inform their own response efforts. The RN would need to work with an ICF-IID administrator who would likely provide input and guidance in developing the policies and procedures and would need to approve them before they go before the governing body for approval. On March 13, 2020, the President declared the COVID-19 pandemic a national emergency. While the Pharmacy Partnerships have had much success in ensuring timely vaccine access to many LTC facility residents and staff, we note that not all such individuals were able to receive vaccine under the program. Bidens plan is not about protecting people only at work. They should not be allowed to visit settings full of vulnerable people such as hospitals and nursing homes. Data submitted through NHSN concerning COVID-19 testing and cases in LTC facilities is publicly posted on data.cms.gov.[51]. Educating staff further about the development of the vaccine, how the vaccine works, and the particulars of the multi-dose vaccine series is encouraged but not required. In recognition of the susceptibility of their residents, clients, and staff, LTC facilities and other congregate settings, including ICFs-IID, have been prioritized for vaccination. The documents posted on this site are XML renditions of published Federal on The National Law Review is not a law firm nor is www.NatLawReview.com intended to be a referral service for attorneys and/or other professionals. Only share your Medicare Number with your provider when you get COVID-related services. At 483.80(d)(3)(ii), we require that the LTC facility provide all of its staff with education regarding the benefits and potential risks of the COVID-19 vaccine. [32] Every person who receives a COVID-19 vaccine receives a vaccination record card noting which vaccine and the dose received. I suspect some employers silently welcomed Bidens mandate. that agencies use to create their documents. See for example Jiangzhuo Chen et al., Medical costs of keeping the US economy open during COVID-19, Scientific Reports, Nature.com, July 19 2020, at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32743613/,, and Michel Kohli et al., The potential public health and economic value of a hypothetical COVID-19 vaccine in the United States: Use of cost-effectiveness modeling to inform vaccination prioritization, Science Direct, February 12, 2021, at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33483216/. Collection of Information (COI) Requirements, 1. At age 80, the average life expectancy of a male is about 8 years and of females about 10 years, or an overall average of about 9 years.

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