The concept of growth mindset is fascinating, but its become such a common phrase in the education world that it has actually lost some of its impact. You should never make a career change without carefully researching all your options. I want to help you get some clarity in the options available to you. But for me, personally, it is not a forever career, and Im ready for the next phase of my life. It was a catch-22. Its weird to leave something you thought would be your forever career, or something you hoped would bring you joy. Quitting teaching will also give me time to pursue other interests: marathon training, painting, writing, a new degree. I used growth mindset quotes regularly during lessons, and I hung growth mindset posters all over my classroom. While the pandemic did throw off my numbers for a little while, Im still optimistic overall. You might be curious about how someone else managed to do it, so this post is for you. Since most of the interactions in teaching happen with students, this makes sense! No other career will challenge you to grow in the ways that this one does; no other career will teach you the empathy that this one can. I knew that I couldnt stay in the classroom for 5 more years, let alone 10 or 20. Feel as though everything will fall apart when you leave, Know teaching wont be done the way you have done it and your students might struggle, Everything you have worked so hard to accomplish to be gone. Im quitting teaching. Plus, if I do sub once a week, I can use some of that income for additional retirement contributions. I felt ashamed by the stigma teachers face when wanting out. That pay freeze lasted five years. Spoiler alert: It didnt. It would go away. What if districts banned TpT resources or the website disappeared? Now that Im on the other side of my decision, I know that quitting teaching in the traditional classroom was the best thing for me. To my surprise, I even had a principal reach out to see if my company was hiring! Teaching was a job that I worked harder than anything in my life to get. Looking at my phone again, I couldnt believe it. Im already planning on making some resources for my current colleagues over the summer that Ill also sell. A friend of a friend during this time had opened up a comic shop in town. Job security is a funny thing especially in the teaching world. Its led to nothing but personal and professional growth. The more job descriptions I read, the more I realized I could use my skills in other places. This one surprised me. We tend to roll our eyes every time its embedded in a conversation because weve heard it so many times. Thats quite the mental picture! As a teacher, I was confined to my four walls every single day. 1. The key is knowing when to pack your bags. But for me, it just wasnt (and Ill explain why below!). Remember, there are other options with great hours out there. Those of us with this tendency find ourselves always making something better and never finishing things whether its TpT resources, blog posts, or courses, etc. It wasnt until my first day of teaching that I realized how bad of a fit teaching was for me. Ive never had a problem talking individually (or even in a small group with other adults) thanks to my extroverted personality. Please. The first job I had after leaving teaching gave me an annual salary of 25,000. However, I quickly realized that it wasnt just the fixed mindsets of my classes I was fighting. <br /><br />Working with children . The vast majority of us wanted to teach virtually, at least until vaccinations were available or the district had made building improvements. My last two years in the classroom, we went from being self-contained teachers to subject specific teachers. And now? However, I have saved a personal emergency fund for myself for six months. This podcast episode is not intended to knock teaching or anyone who chooses to continue teaching. Instead, I was constantly battling entitled parents and students who believe that marks indicate their intelligence. Its important to note that not all companies are like this. It's time to think of teachers as expert learners, who can grow students as learners capable of adapting in the modern world. I can tell you for a factI NEVER would have pursued any of these other ventures if I hadnt left the classroom. Or work until lunch and cook a big dinner for your family? I gave my community eight years, and I did my best. And the more I grow my business, the more I would rather do that. We'll be back from 6am, but before you go, here are the highlights from today: NHS nurses walked out on strike . I also worked really hard on making a unit that I thought would engage my students. In order for my new business to match that, I would need to average about $4000 a month (that way I could pay myself, pay taxes, and cover business expenses). This step-by-step guide has helped thousands with a transition from teaching. I want to earn more. The yearly pay increases had decreased from about $3000 a year prior to the freeze to $1500 a year. This is the most important lesson I learned after I left teaching. One thing you will ALWAYS hear me say is not to burn any bridges. Instead, I have been purposely underpaying myself. Our curriculum was short on both. Yet, the more I thought about leaving teaching, the more teacher guilt I felt. But if Im focused on helping other people, it doesnt matter if I mess up or say something incorrectly because the ultimate goal isnt in my perfectionits in serving others. I had made money without taking on another job or abandoning my dog alone for more hours. Today's video is a little more personal, it goes into why quitting my PhD at school was the best thing I ever did and what it's like to work. The second time, on the other hand, was a total shock to both me and my husband! Just ten more feet. For the last three, I have been a full-time teacher and a Teachers Pay Teachers seller. I did love my coworkers and my students; I love my school still. I wont simply walk away from teaching and never think twice; its impossible. Well if Ive learned anything since quitting teaching, its the truth of this statement. And I did get better at it. But it's not too late to change your situation in fact, your physical and emotional well-being depend on it . Right now, I cant look at the numbers and honestly say that my Teachers Pay Teachers business will completely replace my teachers salary next year. And as hard as that is to say, I know it is harder to hearbut its absolutely crucial for you to grab onto and internalize. If you need help leaving the classroom, check out theTeacher Career Coach Course. I was thinking about possibly going back to school, but if Im still on a first-year salary, I dont think I can do that, I had said. In reality, I learned a lot about myself, my desires, and life in general once I let go of my teaching career. I hit my stride, found some work-life balance, and counted down to summers. I shared my heart with my principal and superintendent, thanked them for the opportunity I had to work at my school, and told them how much I would miss all of the students and the faculty. Hey, maybe it did make you happy for some time. That left me with few options. In Texas you are risking your teaching license being suspended. I believe that there is more opportunity in my business (and maybe through pursuing a new career altogether) than there is in continuing this career path. Ill take the guesswork out of designing a fast & mobile-friendly website, so you can spend your time creating amazing content for your clients. I was pleasantly surprised by life on the other side. I had wasted my college years, passively working on a degree I felt totally neutral about. Year after year I found myself with a new batch of students, all of whom had never seen the growth mindset side of education before. I knew some people did Teachers Pay Teachers full time, but seeing $1000 on my dashboard convinced me that I could do that too. When I landed my first teaching job, I burst into tears from happiness. In fact, there was no other reason than a deeply heartfelt clarity that this was the right thing to do for our family. One place didnt hire me because I was a teacherthe manager told me there was no way I had the time to teach and do a part-time job. Id reapply my makeup once I got there in hopes of covering up the truth. This got me thinking. Worst of all, my efforts to introduce the power of the growth mindset to the school and its students was being tarnished by the complex relationship between parents, students, and the school administration. Regardless of being underqualified for this position, they nearly handed it to me because my network could vouch for work ethic and value-add. More things are added to teachers' plates every year and rarely is anything removed. I did the best I could and survived my first year. The only other issue with quitting teaching is insurance. Teaching seemed like the logical choice for majors when I started filling out college applications. If I chose to just carry on with a job I hated, the incredible carefree lifestyle I live with my family today would not exist. In defence of quitting: Letting go of my PhD was the best thing I ever did. It was the BEST thing I ever did. I would never be in the position I am in today without my teaching experience. It seems that every student who fails or performs poorly (or doesnt score perfect!) Surprisingly, I was being offered other jobs on a consistent basis. . I spent days on end piecing together advice and best practices. My second sale came about a week after my first. Unless I wanted to move back in with my parents, it was clear that I couldnt cut costs any moreI needed more income. Now I currently make a few thousand dollars per month of passive income off my store, even though I am not currently working on it or updating the resources. This means that if I submit dates and my manager agrees, I receive paid time off for vacations or personal reasons. The truth was I was miserable. As an Educational Consultant, I was able to identify positions above me that I was interested in and make a clear game plan to leverage myself into higher-paying roles. I went to the board meetings as they discussed their work on the new salary schedule. Often, they put off researching until the very last minute. One thing I learned in my life after teaching is that many salaries can be negotiated upon hiring. Us teachers had been led to believe that we would be virtual; the district was unprepared to keep staff and students safe. My last school year ends in June of 2021. If I fall a little short, I have a personal and business emergency fund to cover costs. This is one of the reasons why quitting teaching was the best thing I ever did. Something just didnt feel right. I know that this might sound like teaching for most. At this point, I was working a full-time and a part-time job, plus a summer job, and it still wasnt filling in the gaps. Upon leaving the classroom the second time to homeschool my boys, I was more determined than ever to make money from home. After all, it was my dream teaching position. After all this talk about growth mindset, it is easy to look at my decision to quit and feel that I was acting from a place without growth. When the final draft was revealed, it was a letdown. This is a very precarious situation because it forces you to reevaluate what you know and believe about yourself. I cut everything I could. Lets say you work 39 weeks out of the year, with an average of 60 hours per week. Thats equivalent to $26 an hour, plus you get your time back. Who would have thought?! Join our community of over 100,000 current and former educators to receive the advice, encouragement, and judgment-free support you need to start moving forward in your career. Subscribe to the Teach 4 the Heart Podcast. I had grown to that first $1000 month so quickly, that $4000 didnt sound impossible. Meet JenniferShop ResourcesDisclaimerPrivacy PolicyTerms of Use, Private CoachingWebsite DesignStart a TpT ShopTeach ESLSide Hustling, Math + LiteracyBooks for KidsLife SkillsEnvironmentTeacher Life, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." Regardless of how they became strengths, they are an important part of our unique skill set. I like your style! 142 views, 5 likes, 4 loves, 11 comments, 7 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from E-Free Church - Gaylord Campus: Good morning and welcome to church online! Thats what inspired me to create the Teacher Career Coach resources in the first place. There are many, many TpT sellers who sell full-time and have been out of the classroom for a long time. That leads me to the next point: Related: Will I Make More Than My Teacher Salary In A New Position? Schools were wholly unprepared to close due to a global health pandemic. As a teacher, I was able to see the pay scale laid out in front of me with its modest annual increases. It became clear that the path I had mapped out for myself was NOT the best path for my life.

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