Staff aware of PREVENT The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on all relevant higher education bodies (RHEB's) to "have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism". The Prevent duty is the duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 on specified authorities, in the exercise of their functions, to have due regard to the need to prevent people. Has relevant policies that reflect the requirements (see our section on policies below) Makes sure staff are appropriately trained in Prevent, including being aware that radicalisation is a safeguarding issue that can put children at risk of harm (paragraph 31 of Keeping Children . Statutory guidance for local authorities and agencies working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in their care. This is known as the Prevent Duty (Section 26 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015). Advice template Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play and this advice sets out clearly the principles and key areas of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. Understanding how the Prevent duty is embedded as part of your schools wider safeguarding policies will help you to: Prevent is not about spying on students or intruding unnecessarily into their families. Prevent is one of four strands of the government's counter-terrorism strategy. Rangelands are places of great beauty and inspiration that cover more than a third of all land on the planet, and most of this land is managed by pastoralists. 6. Our website has materials to support ILPs in adopting the Duty. Please check email format is correct ( The main purpose of the policy is to prevent all children and youngsters from misbehaving and one example is Harrow international school, where the safety and well-being of children is a top priority, as you can find out more here.Moreover, the policy defines how schools protect the students and how . We are inviting all relevant staff to sign up. Practical Law Practical Law Public Sector. Module 5 - Prevent, a student and staff well-being issue (safeguarding, pastoral care and student support) The University has a statutory duty to have 'due regard to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism'. The Prevent duty: departmental advice for schools and childcare providers offers guidance on this. The Welsh Ministers have similar powers of intervention in the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009. The Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales emphasises that the duty to have due regard for the need to prevent children from being drawn into terrorism is an aspect of safeguarding. If you are a lawyer or work in a legal capacity, please register for a free trial to see if Practical Laws resources are right for your business. Compliance with PREVENT duty is not reviewed at a sufficiently senior level within the College High Compliance with PREVENT duty included in the College's risk register and reviewed annually by Governing Body when making the annual report to HEFCE. EDI is also linked to the Prevent Duty Prevent Duty: Perceptions of different groups of people and how different groups of people are represented in the press. The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places a duty on all relevant higher education bodies (RHEB's) to "have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism". of the Prevent Duty in their induction training and will also be requested to undertake the on-line Prevent for Practitioners module. We need to safeguard the environmental benefits of pastoralism by incentivizing environmental stewardship. Why is extremism and Prevent relevant to me as a teacher? Preparepupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and, Service provider: The Key Support Services Limited, The Key Support Services Limited, 2007 - Central support and monitoring will be supported by existing inspection regimes, including Ofsted and its Welsh equivalent, Estyn. have been created to help providers across all parts of the FE and training sector to fulfil their duty to comply . How does the duty apply to local authorities and schools? The . Confidentiality places a duty on clergy not to disclose information shared with them in private. The local authority lawyer has a key role to play in helping their authority comply with the Prevent duty. How do we define terrorism and extremism in the UK? Pastoralists are both livestock herders and environmental stewards. UUID based identifier for specific incarnation of a document In: Deakin, J, Taylor, E, Kupchik, A (eds) The Palgrave International Handbook of School Discipline, Surveillance, and Social Control. When an authority has failed to discharge the duty, the Secretary of State has the power under section 30 of the Act to make directions to enforce performance of the duty. School leader's email *. UK universities have a statutory duty, along with all other public bodies in the UK, in terms of the Counter-Terrorism & Security Act 2015, 'to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism'. This is at the core of the Prevent strategy and duty "This area of Prevent is based on the premise that people being drawn into radicalisation and recruitment can be identified and then provided with support." Where pastoralism is practised in accordance with traditional practices, and where indigenous knowledge and institutions are strong, the environmental outcomes are positive: biological diversity is enhanced and ecosystem integrity and resilience are maintained. Help centre. Prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support. As a governor, your role is to monitor your school's compliance withthe Prevent duty - read our other articleto understand what this role entails and how to audit your school's practice. Libra Learning will comply through: PARTNERSHIP . 10. The College has in place a range of services for welfare and a pastoral support system provided centrally. Build your students' resilience to extremist narratives. Since July 2015, schools have a legal responsibility to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. Compliance with the Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) guidelines and the Prevent Duty is crucial for any school in today's world. Text . uuid:a80bf153-338d-4ebd-8ebd-4816158a6e02 2. Refresh your knowledge about the Prevent duty with our one-page summary. Using the raised flag feature the system can identify moments which have significant impacts on a student which should . Refresh your knowledge about the Prevent duty with our one-page summary. Its about making sure you can identify worrying behaviour and know how to refer those students who may be at risk of radicalisation for appropriate support. As a governor, your role is one of oversight. The videos introduce how Prevent works on the ground, told by those who have come into contact with the programme. Know what to do if you have concerns about a student. Prevent is a safeguarding duty. Guidance for specified authorities in England and Wales on the duty in the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism. This is understood by all children and they are confident to disclose to staff. uuid:e78bc5d7-d599-4ca1-9768-facd7f646660 The College has in place a range of services for welfare and a pastoral support system provided centrally. Understanding how the Prevent duty is embedded as part of your school's wider safeguarding policies will help you to: Protect students from radicalising influences. There are many misconceptions about Prevent, you can read more in our Prevent mythbuster. Active courses have been moved to FutureLearn. In order to comply with the Prevent duty, relevant staff should be trained - in line with policies and procedures, such as intercollegiate guidance and the Prevent Training Competencies Framework - to: . 5. Black History Month: Reading Challenge over Half Term. Building capability of staff to recognise vulnerable individuals and what to do in such circumstances, using internal cause for concern procedures. The government's Prevent strategy, published in June 2011, has three objectives, to: Respond to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it. It has facilitated the use of discursive practice which is a classic safeguarding approach, allowing information to be shared between relevant people about particular students, but only as is needed to protect and support them. We are inviting all relevant staff to sign up. pictures of common objects pdf. After that case, we commissioned an independent inquiry to investigate whether there was any evidence that the students union, student societies, or the external environment had contributed to any radicalisation. Compliance with the Prevent duty requires that properly thought through procedures and policies are in place. Has good protocols in place to check that any visiting speakers are appropriately selected, supervised, and challenged if necessary Information sharing advice for safeguarding practitioners, Legal update, DCLG issues directions to Tower Hamlets to comply with best value duty under LGA 1999. The results of a nationally representative survey . Maintain appropriate records to show compliance with their responsibilities and provide reports when requested. Are there adequate arrangements and risk' and duty of care to support vulnerable students. application/pdf The Nomadic Herders initiative Higher education. 2. Conformance level of PDF/A standard It is not a foolproof solution, but it does make it more likely that we can obtain a fuller picture of individual students circumstances, and reduces the probability of certain details or behaviour (perhaps seen in different parts of the university) from being overlooked. It states that Local Authorities and staff . The schools show their complete responsibilities regarding child care and safeguarding. by David O. Middlebrook. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides an opportunity to work globally towards this transformation because it recognizes the importance of supporting smallholder and pastoral systems while also increasing productivity in the agriculture sector and protecting biological diversity, managing waste, and reducing greenhouse gases. The Prevent Duty Accountability and Policy Lead is responsible for ensuring management compliance with the Prevent Duty requirements on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor and President as Accountable Officer to OfS. Materials to support use of the Pathways videos: PREVENT - PPT OPTION 1 - Facilitator Guide Notes. HEFCE's role does not extend to investigating terrorism-related incidents on campus. Information sharing agreements - internal and external. 2015-06-29T16:31:39+01:00 Confidentiality is also the ethical and often legal responsibility to safeguard congregation members from unauthorized disclosures of information given in the context of a confidential . Identify any vulnerabilities or worrying changes in behaviour. You wont be wasting police time and you wont ruin lives, but you might save them.

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