F!Sole has White-Faced Baby Doe that She Has To Raise that Thinks She's Its Mom F!Sole's Now Grown Up White-Faced Deer is Killed by Raiders Attacking Sanctuary F!Sole Has Maned Wolf Pup that Grows Up to be Pretty, Loyal, and Clever F!Sole Has Giant Black Wolf that is Super Strong Curie could see this and gently took there hand and lead them over to an area to sit down never letting go of them and patiently waiting for them to gather their thoughts and readying herself to answer all the questions they have. Despite all their differences they loved each other wholeheartedly, and to be honest he found Soles wings to be one hell of an advantage against enemies in the Commonwealth, nothing like watching Sole take a raider by surprise by flying to them on a rooftop and then promptly throwing them to their death. After that Sole was quick to be recruited into the ranks of the B.O.S, and had an advantage with their robotic like limbs especially when it came to shooting and hand to hand combat in close quarters ,and Danse greatly came to admire Soles skills as a knight and couldnt be prouder of the work Sole and him accomplish together. It drove her nuts just thinking about it all the time. He knew he was being selfish right now just thinking about himself and the agency when the real person that needed comfort right now was Sole, who was currently having a panic attack in a corner of there room. Piper: She was always getting herself into some knee deep shit wherever she went, so getting pushed off a tall building was something she figured should have happened already by now. She loved it most though when Sole would sit down to groom their feathers and would let Curie help and she would endlessly caress the soft feathers, putting Sole in a dream like trance. It has been almost a month since Sole had returned with the ill-fated news of what really became of Shaun, and Hancock still couldnt wrap his head around the fact how fast he had lost Sole to the Institute. It was something he wouldnt have even been able to do if the roles were reversed, but it was what needed to be done nonetheless. Even now he still gushed about what an excellent writer they were and said they should continue with the poetry writing even though not many people took the time to read or write such things anymore. Curie(synth)(Pre-romanced): As soon as she found out about Soles wings she was utterly fascinated by them and found them to be a scientific marvel as she was not aware of humans being able to have wings! Sole went on to say even before the bombs they went to great lengths to keep their face covered because so many people made comments on how off putting their scars where and since then they had always been embarrassed. I hope you like it! "I understand completely, kiddo. Companions (+ Maxson and Glory) react to Sole self harming. So when he learned that Sole was a synth it didnt bother him one bit what did piss him off though and made his blood boil is that they used Sole as some kind of experiment for there sick and twisted purposes. Sole took their medicine and continued harvesting, Danse keeping a close watch to make sure they were fine. When Sole first entered the Brotherhood, they had to talk about a history of drug abuse. He always loved fighting next to Sole because they could really take a hit and pack a punch with their metal fist, and break peoples ribs and crush spines with one kick from their left leg! Here we go again.( if it jogs anyone's memorygenius cover? X6-88: He felt pretty pathetic right now that a superior fighter like himself had been taken by surprise by a rogue synth. He was at a loss of what to do, how was he supposed to convince Sole to destroy the whole Institute with their Son still inside. The day came when he didnt have to imagine anymore and he was caught by surprise and didnt realize it was Sole he was looking at when he came across them on the Prydwen without the suit on. Once the both of them took the courser down Cait was quick to call Sole a jackass for not telling her sooner and she had thought they trusted each other at this point, Sole was sorry for hiding it but she had been scared that Cait would leave her if she knew, Cait rolled her eyes and told Sole from now on no more secrets between them. They just smiled and laughed at this and told him it was alright their wings were just a bit sensitive to touch. After this revelation he was always quick to defend Sole if anyone tried to make them feel bad about their wings, he realized now that it really wasnt about what was on the outside but what was on the inside that made a person. Curie asked again innocently in turn Sole shook there head frantically No Im not why are you saying that? Curie always offers to work on the arm to upkeep its maintenance so it never gets rusty and locks up when Sole needs it the most, which they always appreciate. FO4 Companions React to a Sick Sole. Dogmeat: He could never understand what Sole was saying but he liked listening to them when they read their poetry out loud to him either in the early mornings or late at night laying in bed, he found their voice soothing. Elder Maxson(Pre-romanced): Lets be honest the first thought that comes to his mind is to have Sole executed because he believes they have clearly been contaminated by the filth and radiation of the Commonwealth. Codsworth felt an overwhelming amount of relief, and Sole just laughed teasing him saying something about arent they glad they kept the baby dragons around even if they did destroy everything, and that was something the Mr. Deacon: For once Deacon was the one at a loss for words feeling as if he was stuck in his past once again, how was this something he wasnt aware of till now, he had spent all of that time waiting and watching Sole gathering every scrap of information on them after he found out they where still alive down in the vault. MacCready(Pre-romance): Its by accident that Soles wings are revealed to him, while him and Sole were traveling they get ambushed by a group of gunners. Nick: Sole had never judged him based on how he looked, which was a nice change since many would be glad to beat down an old, falling apart synth without a second thought. Cait: She had never come across a courser before, she had only heard of them so when she fell in with Sole she just assumed they were as badass as her and had grown up all their life kicking ass and fighting their way through Hell. Oh. Once Sole explained themselves though, the Elder felt foolish for thinking so little of his lover and asked for their forgiveness which Sole gave. Sole told him that was true and they had been part of many battles before the bombs dropped, and had won in all of them, one even left them to be the last one standing after the fighting stopped. Curie would even beg Sole like a small child if Sole would fly her around sometime just so she could experience it once, and Sole was more than happy to oblige her request over and over again much to Curies delight. Deacon thought he and the Railroad agency had been getting ahead of the Institute for once but it seems they had pulled a fast one on all of them. But rest assured Nick promised that as long as he was still standing he wouldnt let that happen to her at least not without a fight. Nick had found the dragons as babies a bit of a handful, but he was damn happy they were out here keeping tails on him and helping out when he needed it, couldnt be to mad at Sole for allowing them to grow up into giant beast who worked in their favor. Hi, Winnie! Shed be absolutely clueless. This is exactly what they did before they could both be executed, they knew Elder Maxson would be furious that two synths had been inside his inner ranks. He would quickly take off his gear and slide into bed, wrapping his arms around the two people he loved most and holding them tight. Dogmeat: The poor pup was terrified as a raider he had been biting kicked him off the roof him and Sole had been fighting on, he yelped at the force of it and howled out as he started to fall. She likes the idea of being able to fly away from your problems and being free to go where you please at a moments notice. It wasnt till Sole saved Preston from an oncoming Deathclaw attack that he was made aware of their wings, when he realized he was rather far up in the air going in the opposite direction of the Deathclaw. And Sole liked having Danse as a friend and didnt want him to think less of them for something they had no control or choice over, so they did their best to keep the wings stuffed into their b.o.s uniform and ignore the ache of wanting to stretch out their wings. As Sole found out more and more about the Institute, Mac kept trying to push Sole to share information with the Minutemen or the Railroad so they could start figuring out a plan to bring this place down for good. Mac quickly got to work taking off Soles coat and shirt to get to the wound, where he was met with the startling sight of Soles wings, and he was confused as hell but didnt have time to really gawk at them as he got to work stopping the bleeding. He even told Sole he sometimes wished he could have their arms causing them to chuckle and say that they definitely had their props but getting them had come with a painful cost because with the arms they didnt come with any sensory to touch which made them a bit mournful to that loss, and when Shaun had first been born they were scared they might hurt him by accident. Instead, it's full of mutants, robots, and airships. And thats what they did, and by the end of it the dragon had accidently brought down the whole building and melted places of it, which just made Strong laugh saying the dragon was always a good fighting partner to have at his side. Danse: Shockingly enough not only had the Brotherhood found out that Danse was a missing synth from the Institute but it turned out that Sole was one as well. For rainbow-claw who requested the Fallout 4 companions & faction leaders reacting to a Sole who has large feathery wings! You should be more careful, Knight, he told them sternly, masking his worry. When Danse inquired about it Sole admitted they had always loved poetry even from a young age and rather enjoyed writing it themselves, it helped them cope with different things by writing down what they were experiencing or seeing in poetry form. He was proud of the work and accomplished Missions Sole and Danse completed together regularly and he regarded them as the best and most skilled team he ever had the pleasure of working with under his command as Elder. Knight, take these, Danse said, sitting the bag of medicine on the ground next to them. If anything shed quarantine them away from everyone else especially herself to avoid getting sick herself. Sole even attempts to pick Strong up and fly him around but that didnt turn out to hot and almost ended up getting them and Strong killed. He took her hands into his and told her he could never hate her for a past that was never fully under her control, that she had more than proven what kind of person she truly was, someone who was loving and caring and put others before herself, but he was sorry she had been to scared to tell him the truth that was never his intention. tw:mention of not being able to have kids. Confronting Sole about this was the worst feeling in the world, she finally had hope for humanity and it was crumbling in front of her. Companions react to the Sole Survivor getting powers that gives them access to the multiverse and then choosing to use their powers to universe go a another Universe the bombs never dropped and never returning. ", Some people i can remember off the top my head, Faction leaders and companions react to losing everything, Companions react to sole opening up a wasteland mcDonalds, Male companions wearing smexy clothes for sole, Pining companions help sole out of a comprimisingposition, Companions and what they would name their children, Companions with sosu that has lost inspiration, "Waiting is the worst" Elder Maxson x Preg! Thanks for reading everyone! They dont need to die because of a disease, they need to die of old age or when doing something cool. He fumbled for words, his chest tight. Piper is a little pissed at first that Sole wasnt open for the get-go but understands that Sole didnt want to be considered some kind of freak around Diamond city. Its not too bad, but Deacon has never been really close to someone as he is with Sole, so he overreacts. They looked scared and anxious and their eyes were darting from the ground back to them, and Cait couldnt think of what to do or to say, and she felt a weird mix of sadness, anger. Cait. He knew they had an attractive face, but their body was like one of those old world models he had seen in magazines and he couldnt help but get a good eyeful of their backside and then quickly look away whistling when Sole turned around. Once they got their new legs, they couldnt believe how nice and new and shiny they where, and how they could walk and run a lot more smoothly without the joints stiffening up because it needed more oil. Also with Soles wings they had been able to fly Nick out of sticky situations more then once when things went south on a case he was working on, the last thing anyone expected was a winged person to swoop in making for a nice surprise advantage in fights. He also loved that Sole could throw sticks really far since their arms where so strong, and they could pick him up and carry him around if he ever got hurt like he weighed nothing. He made them go to bed despite their protests. Cait: "Ooh, nice. Piper (Romanced): Being in a relationship with Piper, Sole knows its pointless to even attempt to hide anything from her so as soon as Piper starts bugging them about how they dress Sole decides to tell her. X6-88(Same for Pre-romance & romance): Already knew for the files on you that you had the wings so wasnt surprised at all and told Sole they didnt have to hide their wings anymore and could keep them out within the Institute as well. Hope you enjoy the first part everyone who's reading! ", "Whatever you eat..so long as you intake sufficient nutrition, I don't see why it's of any concern. Sole was hesitant at first but they trusted Curie and knew she would never make fun of them so they let her read everything they had ever written in the journal. The Diamond City doctor gave Danse some medicine and RadAway, saying that Sole would be fine as long as they took the medicine and didnt do too much work. I hope you enjoy reading and thanks again for the request friends. Deacon knew how hard this was for Sole but he was reminding them that the person Shaun was now, wasnt their son anymore and if they really wanted to save him and set things right than they needed to destroy the institute and everything evil within it. And he couldnt wait to one day get his hands all over Soles body, for now he was content to just bask in the glow of it all. Their were even times when Sole felt like maybe she had known Nick at one point after all she had been with the Institute for decades before fleeing, it wasnt impossible that she had seen the creation and destruction of him at point, either way she was glad he was here with her now. So Cait told Sole they wanted to see what damage they could really do bare fist in all! He watched as the love of his life cried so hard they could barely breathe, he gently took there face in his hands trying to brush all the tears away and promised them that the Institute would be brought to justice, he would make sure the whole place burned and the people responsible would suffer even if he had to do it all himself, sealing the promise of revenge with a hard kiss and a wild look of fire in his eyes. Codsworth shushed them, telling Sole not to strain their voice because it will get worse. Codsworth: He was bewildered, to say the least, he had served Sole well before the bombs and he cant wrap around the thought that Sole was not human all this time. The journalist was quick to learn though that this wasnt the case with Sole and they actually covered their face due to scars they received from being in the military before the bombs dropped. Hancock: This man lived for Soles attention and affection because lets be honest he gave it right back and never got tired of returning Soles hugs, cheek smooches, and long cuddle sessions. She constantly nags at Sole about wearing their one rather awkwardly large coat no matter where they are or what the weather is. (Companions (+ Maxson and Glory) react to Sole self.) Hancock: The Mayor had always despised The Institute they where a plague that had always haunted the Commonwealth turning people against each other and destroying whole communities. He wanted to keep Sole safe from germs, so he dusted areas in the houses, cut grass, etc. He promised Sole he would still stay by there side and help them navigate this new territory anyway he could, and if there where answers to be found about this new information he would help them find it. He watched Sole shudder and smirked, asking if they were sensitive to touch, Sole just nodded as he continued his touching exploration of their wings, deciding to use the sensitivity to his advantage in the bedroom. I am. Curie was shocked and even more interested as she thought about how scary that must have been for Soul, and she tells them that shes glad they lived from such an encounter. Thanks for the request Rainbow-Claw! Here it it my lovely readers, I hope you enjoy this follow-up react to the baby dragons now being all grown up! "I owe Charlie 10 caps." Sole smiled and kissed him. Sole was a bit sheepish to admit they had lost their arm due to an attack by a bear when camping way back when with their former spouse. Danse: He was use to everyone always wearing power armor, most of the people he had worked with for years he had no idea what they really looked like outside of the armor and it never bothered him. Are you okay? He rushes to their side and moves their hair out of the way. The location is the far left, and you have to wake it up through the computer in the middle, but if you just wake it up, you will die like Sierra Army Depot 's frozen human . Its what Im here for.. He gawked at how built Sole was, every part of them toned and muscular, hell they looked like they could take a hit and pack a punch without the power armors help at all! Piper was instantly intrigued by this and thought it would be awesome to get some stories from Sole to include in her articles, because what wasnt cool about getting stories on a war that happened more than 200 years ago. Overtime Sole started to get more comfortable with having the mask off and soon stopped wearing it all together as they realized no one was staring at their scars or making comments about them, no one cared and it was the biggest weight off their shoulders, and they were glad Preston had encouraged them to do this. He asked Sole about the mask though while they were sitting around having a few beers and everything was relaxed, and Sole was nothing but honest with him about how they wore it because they felt self conscious of the scars they received from being in the military all those years ago. Hold on a second*grabs notebook* okay, explain to moi-. Do you need some soup, a blanket? He asked in a fretting way. Valentine(Pre-romanced): His happy that Sole saw him as a close friend and trusted him enough to show him their wings, which surprised him at first but he was quick to tease them saying how he wondered how they always got around the Commonwealth so fast, putting Sole at ease. :) Warning: Long and mention of vomit. But from the expression on Curies face Sole knew she wasnt lying and could feel themselves starting to panic. When he returns, he gives Sole the medicine. He knew all they could do right now is try and talk through this and help each other start over and pick up the pieces and decided what needed to be done next in order to move forward. His heart about came out of his chest though when he felt himself being grabbed in midair by what felt like claws. Cait wishes she had been able to fly away from her abusive parents and wonders about what a different life she could have led if she could have escaped so easily. Fate was a twisted thing though and Nick hadnt been prepared when Sole came back bearing the news that the baby he was trying to help Sole find was an old man Leading the Institute. The constant struggle over this eventually led to an argument that destroyed their relationship in one sweeping blow. Other times he would be a little naughty and eat the paper Sole had be writing on, and they would get a little mad at him but couldnt stay that way when he gave them the puppy dog eyes and lots of kisses. Under a 'keep reading' to avoid accidental triggering though. Cait felt all those negative emotions leave her and the thought of Sole ever lying or trying to hurt them seemed like the stupidest thought to have ever crossed her mind. Sole was anxious as Hell when she finally spit out her secret and held her breath as she looked at Macs emotionless face as he processed what he just heard, he admitted that Sole seemed a little different, from the way they acted down to the way she would fight but he couldnt believe they had actually been in the Institute for so long and managed to escape and avoid them. Luckily for her Soles dragon and its keen sense of hearing had heard her cry of distress and made a beeline in her direction taking flight with its mighty wings. He admired how hard they had thought, but he had his orders and he quickly transported them both back to the Institute where Sole was taken back to be wiped clean and re-programmed, the game was finally over. As always keep an eye out for that next request, No, I didn't forget about those WIPs, time just moves differently for me. Fallout 4 companions react to the sole survivor falling SUPER ill from something and almost dying but making a full come back just barely from it? Preston doesnt want to wake them up, so he gently puts some medicine on a spoon and puts it in their mouth, making sure Sole swallows. The old..um..the real Nick followed the Kosher Diet." Old Longfellow: "Heh, personally I just . Check back in sometime tomorrow for the next request Ill have finished, Here it is! Codsworth: Codsworth got really jittery when Sole told him they were sick. And it sure as Hell was happening right now as she flailed trying to grab onto something unsuccessfully, screaming she began to plummet to her death. After learning that Shaun was located somewhere within the Institute, he had a horrible feeling in the pit of his radiated stomach that things were about to get a lot worse. Elder Maxson(Romanced): Felt betrayed that Sole had kept the wings a secret and hadnt been upfront with him from the start, and didnt consider executing them but seriously considered banning them from the Botherhood of Steel. Here is the finally part of the request, thanks again for sending it in and I hope yall enjoy reading! He would then tell Sole to hurry up and get back in the power armor so they could go back out and continue to smash things!! He stiffly hugged back, trying to keep his cool. Dogmeat: Sole always had their wings out around their furry friend, because Dogmeat loved them no matter what! Once he was back on the ground he gave the dragon a good head scratch and let it know that he was thankful they always kept an eye on him and Sole. He noticed that Sole did spend a lot of their time typing up stuff on their terminal and he became rather curious what they were typing up at all hours of the day and night. Fallout 4 Companions React Part two of Fo4 Companions reacting to a Sole with largely unappealing scars, deformities, and an under bite or broken jaw Here is part two of the request, sorry I didn't get it out yesterday like i promised! Desdemona(Pre-romance): Her being the leader of a highly secretive organization meant nothing slipped past her notice unless she purposely let it go unnoticed. Are you allergic? While fighting Sole took a bullet to their shoulder and collapsed to the ground in agony as blood spurted everywhere. Once the last gunner is brought down by Sole, Mac cautiously approached them. She leaned over to them to give them a gentle kiss. Daring to open her eyes she realized some rather large claws where around her and at first she thought her luck had gotten worse and she was now a large creatures meal, looking up though and seeing huge leathery wings she realized it was Soles dragon they had raised so long ago. ", "Hope you don't mind me prying, any reason why? He was wrong though it had turned out to be an ambush, he was quickly attacked and tied up and the raiders dragged him over to a cliff edge talking about they didnt want to waste a bullet on him and they could just push him off to his death.

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