Tech executives dont seem to be weighing in. Carrying signs and chanting, demonstrators gathered in downtown Mountain View on Saturday, May 14, for a "Bans Off Our Bodies" protest, objecting to the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark case that guaranteed abortion rights. Ramanathan, who has helped organize protests at the park this summer, said the policy contradicts Palo Altos worldwide reputation for innovation and freethinking. That is as it should be. A&E She wanted her granddaughter to have the same freedom of choice that she and her daughter had. The officer left shortly afterward.Karen Damian said she attended Wednesday's protest because it's important to "fight the good fight" and try to protect abortion rights. "The draft opinion, if it becomes the decision, does exactly the opposite. Uploaded: Thu, Dec 2, 2021, 1:48 pm One such activist, Elisa Habra, said that she has been protesting for women's rights for years. The Court has since verified the authenticity of the leaked document, adding that "it does not represent a decision by the Court or the final position of any member on the issues in the case.". The rally in Palo Alto was one of more than 300 planned marches across the country. We don't want to go back there.". Protest against the De Facto Segregation of Palo Alto's Foothills Park. Palo Alto school threat . Place a Legal Notice She added that she was also "feeling more emboldened to stand up and speak up for the rights of women and pregnant people who need this care and deserve this care. Terms of Use Spotlight We must do everything we can starting right now to ensure every member of Congress votes to make Roe the law of the land. ", Stephanie Maples, an art teacher at a local elementary school, wore her sign, vividly depicting the slogan "My body, my choice.". Why ruin the life of a girl or woman by forcing her to raise the spawn of a criminal and be reminded of that violence every day of her life? fans hold protest in response to pending Las Vegas deal: 'I feel anger and betrayal' . Ruth Robertson, right, rallies a small crowd across the street from the downtown Palo Alto Whole Foods on Dec. 1, 2021 as part of a protest in favor of abortion rights. Time to read: about 2 minutes. (KRON) A student at Palo Alto High School was taken into custody for writing that they intended to "shoot up" the school during finals week, the Palo . The event was spearheaded by the local chapter of the activist group Raging Grannies, and was part of a nationwide series of Strike for Choice protests. Even Roe acknowledged that (in a limp wristed sort of way). Circulation & Delivery "No federal action or Supreme Court decision will shake our state's defense of the right to access legal and safe abortion services. "We expect that, if this happens, we're going to have tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of women coming to California for a safe legal abortion, and we don't have the workforce for that right now," he said.For leaders at Planned Parenthood, the possibility of a Roe v. Wade reversal is significant in what it represents both symbolically and for the future of the organization.In a statement, Jodi Hicks, CEO and president of Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California, called the draft ruling "the nightmare scenario we in the reproductive health, rights, and justice space have been sounding the alarm about. Anticipating that California may become an "abortion sanctuary state," Hale agreed that local governments are going to need additional resources and funding to accommodate the greater needs. Other politicians and women's rights advocates took to Twitter to voice their concerns and support for continued access to reproductive health care. There have been a series of largely peaceful protests for the past week, with a demonstration Monday where hundreds of protesters -- mostly students -- marched from Menlo Park to join a Palo Alto protest. The officer left shortly afterward.Karen Damian said she attended Wednesday's protest because it's important to "fight the good fight" and try to protect abortion rights. That level of uncertainty is very real." Express / Weekend Express In rural areas, especially, there are still many politically active people who believe that an ideal society and will work tirelessly for it. Time to read: about 2 minutes. Its strange when people bring up youre racist when you dont want people to come, she said. You have name recognition Help sustain the local news you depend on. LaDoris Cordell, a former judge who previously served on the Palo Alto City Council, said the restrictions at Foothills Park are an expression of racism past and present. Unlike the Grannies, we didn't get a sympathetic write-up and a pair of photos in the local press, but based on actual timed traffic samples, our message was seen by over 14,000 motorists between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM. Uploaded: Wed, May 4, 2022, 9:06 am She said that "the need for safety and protections become stronger" as well. Residents who like the park the way it is are promising a fierce response. "The group had assembled in response to an Instagram post by comedian Amy Schumer urging people to "Channel Your Rage into Action" at local courthouses, city halls and town squares.In an interview with the Pulse, state Sen. Josh Becker, who represents California's 13th Senate District, including most of San Mateo County, called it "shocking and appalling that they're going to try to take away women's freedom. Using descriptions like "very dehumanizing" and a "complete disregard for the rights of women," Andrew Adams, Chief of Staff and Head of Strategic Communications at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, said that the draft opinion marks a complete and historic reversal on the part of the court. Raging Grannies organizer Ruth Robertson said she and other protesters turned out Wednesday because they couldn't "stand by idly" while the court considers rolling back abortion rights. The residency requirement came in 1969, after other nearby towns declined to help pay for the land or upkeep. Mobile site. Photo by Zoe Morgan. All rights reserved. They dont want to see things change, Cordell, who is Black, said. She added that she was also "feeling more emboldened to stand up and speak up for the rights of women and pregnant people who need this care and deserve this care. Mountain View is expecting major growth. Public parks are for everyone. A little over a dozen people participated in the rally, held at 3 p.m. outside the 774 Emerson St. store. How remote work is reshaping the local housing market, Local parks and hills put on a wildflower show after rainy winter, Community briefs: Youth philanthropy program, Shoreline at Mountain View speaker series and VTA seeks public input, Foothill-De Anza names four finalists to be next chancellor. Women are not mere vessels, creating life at the whim of men. According to the Politico article, five of the nine justices favor the revocation of federal abortion rights, leaving regulation to the individual states. This park was meant for only me.. I just think it's a travesty.". She said that she had two abortions in her life, and her mother grew up in a time where women were the property of men. Local parks and hills put on a wildflower show after rainy winter, Palo Alto looks to add zoning incentives for building homes in affluent areas, Around Town: Palo Alto gets ready to celebrate 99th annual May Fete Parade, Police calls: Car accidents and DUIs in Palo Alto; petty theft in Menlo Park, Foothill-De Anza names four finalists to be next chancellor. News "Describing today as a "somber day," Redwood City Mayor Giselle told the Pulse, "I'm feeling a way that women haven't felt for a generation. Climate activists take to Palo Alto streets to demand action from local politicians Protest coincides with Global Climate Strike by Emily Margaretten / Palo Alto Weekly Uploaded: Sun, Sep. The protest began in East Palo Alto, with police calling for backup from the Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Redwood City and San Mateo County Sheriff's offices when protesters began walking down University Avenue toward 141 Demeter St., the East Palo Alto Police Station. Or so I thought. In one survey by a City Council member, a majority of respondents said they even favored keeping illegal entry a misdemeanor-level crime rather than reducing it to an infraction. It all amounts to interference by the Supreme Court over something they should have stayed out of. This park is my park / It is not your park, former Palo Alto Mayor Leland Levy sang during a virtual comment period before the City Council. (Nhat V. Meyer/Bay Area News Group) . All rights reserved. (Josie Lepe/Bay Area News Group) We should trust women to make the best decisions. A constitutional amendment, introduced Monday night by Newsom and Sen. Toni Atkins, D-San Diego, would "enshrine the right to choose in our state constitution so that there is no doubt as to the right to abortion in this state," according to an official statement. TownSquare Western Alliance was among the hardest hit banks during last month's selloff when a run on deposits put it at risk of collapse. The case brings the potential that the court's conservative majority could overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which found that there is a Constitutional right for women to have an abortion. Follow Palo Alto Online and the Palo Alto Weekly on Twitter @paloaltoweekly, Facebook and on Instagram @paloaltoonline for breaking news, local events, photos, videos and more. Some protesters stood in front of the police car with their signs. ""I think that (abortion) should be allowed," Eve said. The recommendation, introduced by Hale and approved unanimously by the council members, would establish a perimeter around the entrance to the clinic that protesters are not allowed to enter. She and her husband both work in tech and have lived in Palo Alto since 1991. Sports Special Pubs Many women today, even executives, take their legal status for granted. But its most striking feature may be what it takes to get in: proof you live in Palo Alto, a city where houses tend to run about $3 million and a two-bedroom apartment rents for $3,700 on average. "Other politicians and women's rights advocates took to Twitter to voice their concerns and support for continued access to reproductive health care. The park rules go into meticulous detail to limit even accompanied guests. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Sign up to be notified of new comments on this topic. Citing the possibility of a huge influx of women seeking legal abortion services in California, he said much has to be done at the state level to prepare. Law School Activists Protest Judge Kyle Duncan's Visit To Campus - Palo Alto, CA - FedSoc, a conservative and libertarian law student group, invited Judge Duncan for a discussion on "Guns, Covid . Terms of Use With the possibility that 26 U.S. states could move to ban abortion, eliminating abortion access for some 36 million women, Eshoo reiterated her support for the Women's Health Protection Act. They were organized by Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Women's March, and the Liberate Abortion Coalition, among others. In Congress, I will vote to codify Roe v. Wade and ensure that women's reproductive rights are protected. Sorry, but further commenting on this topic has been closed. The Almanac Some protesters stood in front of the police car with their signs. The Court has since verified the authenticity of the leaked document, adding that "it does not represent a decision by the Court or the final position of any member on the issues in the case. Asked about the role of local government on this issue he said he'd like to see the Board take "some concrete steps, not just symbolic. Justice Amy Barrett Coney was cited as saying there is no need for abortion because adoption agencies can easily care for the newborn infants and source permanent adoptive homes for them. "It's about having every tool in our toolbox to defend access to this essential right," she said. Photo by Zoe Morgan. Help sustain the local news you depend on. However, people on both sides of the discussion should be able to discuss this in a polite manner. She wanted her granddaughter to have the same freedom of choice that she and her daughter had. "Pointing to recently passed bills, such as Florida's parental consent law, and Texas's Senate Bill 8 or "Heartbeat Act," which bans abortions after detection of the fetal heartbeat, Adams said that reproductive rights "have been under attack for a long time. Orthodox Jewish women are already in turmoil over being forced to violate halacha if Roe v. Wade falls. Mountain View Voice The case brings the potential that the court's conservative majority could overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which found that there is a Constitutional right for women to have an abortion. Allow me to repeat myself, Mr. Alderman: "It's really critical.". But, a baby is a separate body with its own rights. The event was spearheaded by the local chapter of the activist group Raging Grannies, and was part of a nationwide series of Strike for Choice protests.On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case challenging a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks. PALO ALTO Flabbergasted by the way the federal government is treating asylum seekers and children at the nation's southern border, dozens of people kicked off a three-week protest Sunday on. Legally, we stopped being male property some time ago. Also to call out the company for failing to speak up for their customers most of whom are women who believe in protecting reproductive healthcare. Get daily headlines sent straight to your inbox in our Express newsletter. In an interview with the Pulse, state Sen. Josh Becker, who represents California's 13th Senate District, including most of San Mateo County, called it "shocking and appalling that they're going to try to take away women's freedom.". The protesters have included members of the Raging Grannies, a political group that has also held demonstrations against Facebook. Print Edition/Archives "Women need to be in control of their own bodies," Damian said. The group had assembled in response to an Instagram post by comedian Amy Schumer urging people to "Channel Your Rage into Action" at local courthouses, city halls and town squares. You have no business condescending to me like that, Mr. Alderman. The protest targeted Whole Foods because the company is headquartered in Texas, which has banned abortions after six weeks, before many women know they are pregnant. Weddings and other events are allowed, but there must be one Palo Alto resident for every 15 nonresidents. Timeline: How California got here on abortion. And, it identifies and discusses more than just the decision to overturn (including the effect on the country and the effect on the Court). "Many of us know women who had illegal abortions. The arguments for and against abortion are divisive. Become a member today. Updated: Apr 27, 2023 / 07:11 PM PDT. I really dont think any of this is race-based, he said, citing the citys large Asian minority. Redwood City Pulse, 2023 Palo Alto Online "It's really critical.". Many members of the Raging Grannies remember a time before Roe, when abortion was illegal in many states. "I'm so angry," said Mary Ittelson, who lives nearby. Blogs Though the city's letter has yet to be submitted, San Mateo County Supervisor Warren Slocum said he would likely support the implementation of a buffer zone. Meanwhile, the median sale price of a home in Palo Alto was $3 million in July, according to the Silicon Valley Association of Realtors. Zoe Morgan covers education, youth and families for the Mountain View Voice and Palo Alto Weekly /, with a focus on using data to tell compelling stories. Blogs Anti-s may be a decided minority in the US today, but our organization as states and a Republic, and a basically for sale political system, make fission very possible unfortunately. Since June, activists have painted desegregate in large letters at the entrance to Foothills Park, and Ryan McCauley, a member of the Palo Alto Parks and Recreation Commission, resigned over the citys refusal to budge, saying the current policy crudely discriminates by address and ZIP code. Proponents of change said theyre preparing a lawsuit. "I'm so angry," said Mary Ittelson, who lives nearby. "We expect that, if this happens, we're going to have tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of women coming to California for a safe legal abortion, and we don't have the workforce for that right now," he said. It is true to say that the media, in particular the local media, are way too supportive of abortion proponents and rarely give a balanced view on those who support life. On Wednesday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case challenging a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks. Protesters gather across the street from the downtown Palo Alto Whole Foods on Dec. 1, 2021 to protest in favor of abortion rights. Local parks and hills put on a wildflower show after rainy winter, Palo Alto looks to add zoning incentives for building homes in affluent areas, Around Town: Palo Alto gets ready to celebrate 99th annual May Fete Parade, Police calls: Car accidents and DUIs in Palo Alto; petty theft in Menlo Park, Foothill-De Anza names four finalists to be next chancellor. Remember Separation of Church and State? "Many of the people who are so vehement on this issue (have) an utter lack of care for what happens when children are born," Weinstein said. One such activist, Elisa Habra, said that she has been protesting for women's rights for years. With the Supreme Court poised to overturn or substantially curtail Roe v. Wade, a small group gathered outside the downtown Palo Alto Whole Foods store on Wednesday afternoon to protest in favor of the legal right to have an abortion.A little over a dozen people participated in the rally, held at 3 p.m. outside the 774 Emerson St. store. "According to the Politico article, five of the nine justices favor the revocation of federal abortion rights, leaving regulation to the individual states. Photo by Zoe Morgan. For leaders at Planned Parenthood, the possibility of a Roe v. Wade reversal is significant in what it represents both symbolically and for the future of the organization. A&E Remember, we the residents of Palo Alto are the owners of Foothills Preserve and Park, not you, she wrote to council members. One may not agree, but it is an extremely well written, well thought out, well documented argument for the decision. The protest targeted Whole Foods because the company is headquartered in Texas, which has banned abortions after six weeks, before many women know they are pregnant. According to an October 2021 report from the Guttmacher Institute, a total abortion ban would increase the number of women of reproductive age whose nearest provider is in California from 46,000 to 1.4 million a nearly 3,000% increase. Become a member today. keeping illegal entry a misdemeanor-level crime. A sign out front reads residents and accompanied guests only, and rangers check IDs at the park's entrance, turning away about 3,100 vehicles a year that dont qualify. As to the benefits of creating a buffer zone, Hale said that it would shelter people who were afraid of facing intimidation at the door. I'm prepared to defend their rights. Many members of the Raging Grannies remember a time before Roe, when abortion was illegal in many states. A protest against what critics see as a. Print Edition/Archives Spotlight Mobile site. So did some faculty and students from neighboring Stanford University, where on-campus residents live outside the city limits of Palo Alto. Help sustain the local news you depend on. All rights reserved. Terms of Use Home Its about monitoring the usage of the park.. Zoe Morgan covers education, youth and families for the Mountain View Voice and Palo Alto Weekly /, with a focus on using data to tell compelling stories. Special Pubs Local parks and hills put on a wildflower show after rainy winter, Palo Alto looks to add zoning incentives for building homes in affluent areas, Around Town: Palo Alto gets ready to celebrate 99th annual May Fete Parade, Police calls: Car accidents and DUIs in Palo Alto; petty theft in Menlo Park, Foothill-De Anza names four finalists to be next chancellor. He said he was also in favor of a move, like that taken by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, to direct additional funding to local reproductive health care facilities. Sorry, but further commenting on this topic has been closed. "Rebecca said she brought her daughter Eve, age 9, to the demonstration because, as a physician and a mother, she believes that it's essential to use your voice. Planned Parenthood has been actively working to build more facilities and increase the number of patients they can accommodate each week in anticipation of a significant increase in out-of-state patients, Adams said. I support your right to choose--for yourself. They sang songs and chanted, occasionally walking into the intersection. I think that's hideous. Privacy Policy A&E Protesters also objected to what they characterized as Whole Foods' silence on the issue and past statements by its CEO that are critical of the Affordable Care Act. A Palo Alto police officer briefly arrived at the protest and went into the store. The group cheered when drivers honked their support. "And that goes beyond just adopting a resolution condemning the court for its decision. Your contribution matters. There are many articles which state that lower income women receive much poorer healthcare during pregnancy, with more spontaneous miscarriages, more still births, lower birth weights as well as more serious complications during birth including deformities and similar types of problems. Magali Gauthier contributed to this report. Updated: Apr 25, 2023 / 09:15 PM PDT. I will defend to the death another woman's right to choose not to have an abortion if she doesn't want one, but no one should be imposing their personal values (and faith) on another person--Least of all, a group of men who will never personally face that choice with its medical, emotional, ethical complexities. As Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, the Palo Alto, Menlo Park and Stanford University communities participated in acts of protest in their homes, across.

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