Having a wife and two kids at home, I politely declined using an excuse of being busy with the training duty requirements. I have done airshows in the B-52 including foreign ones. Also, four very important lives and millions of dollars of our tax dollars would have been saved. The aircraft could carry 35 tons of bombs or mixed ordinance 8,800 miles without in-flight refueling. According to the prosecution, Pellerin had flown the maneuvers a week before the crash and recommended they be approved by Colonel Brooks even though they violated both Air Force and Boeing safety standards. Because of the mishap, Colonel William Brooks, commander of the 92nd Bomb Wing, canceled the 1994 annual open house, Fairchilds last event as a B-52 base. But as the old saying goes, that is just the tip of the iceberg. Air Force B-52 B52 Bud Holland BUFF Chuck Yeager Cold War crash Fairchild Heather Holland KC-135 KC135 Ken Huston Mark McGeehan Meg Holland Robert Wolff Sam Shepard Sarah Anne . I guess I just felt the need to speak out a bit. Before I began CP training, I was told to go to the base tower and watch a B-52 MITO (Minimum Interval Take Off) at dawn. But there is not a day that goes by, that I dont think about my father. If so can you make contact on c130herctruck@hotmail.com. These ejection seats are 1960's Boeing technology and while equipped with reliable catapults they are NOT fitted with rocket packs or ballistically-deployed parachutes like more advanced ejection seats such as Martin-Baker, ACES-II or Russian K-36. Held in an airplane hangar, the service was attended some 500 people, including Washington State Governor Michael E. Mike Lowry (1939-2017). The B-52 stalled, fell to the ground and exploded, killing Holland and the three other field-grade officers on board the aircraft." "The subsequent investigation concluded that the crash was attributable primarily to three factors: Holland's personality and behavior; USAF leaders' delayed or inadequate reactions to earlier incidents involving . Unable to make out your last message, will you please repeat : 07 May 1964: Pacific Air Lines: 773: Skipper's shot! Not wanting to "rock the boat" or "blow the whistle" are other excuses for this. The aircraft started to level off at an altitude of about 250 feet, then suddenly banked so steeply that the wings became vertical. Sad,sad event in aviation history. I have read through the USAF accident report that was dropped off at my house by some nice men in blue when I was just 15 years old. It sounds stupid! Jim Roux (Kanga)~ It makes me laugh when Rocket Scientists like yourself get on blogs or chats like this and pick out all the grammar, spelling and punctuations to make yourself seem smart. On September 28, 1994, the Air Force Accident Investigations Board released the results of its investigation which blamed the accident on the pilot, who had been practicing unauthorized and unsafe maneuvers. He was charged with three counts of dereliction of duty: Failure to obtain proper approval for the air show maneuvers, failure to ensure a safe routine, and failure to ground Holland after repeated violations of Air Force safety regulations. Representatives Tom Foleyand Norm Dicksbegged to differ, saying eyewitness accounts and a videotape of the crash appeared to indicate otherwise. God bless you all. there was no apparent remedial input from the pilot even a second or two from impact. So legendary were his flying excesses that many squadron pilots and crew members refused to fly with him in fear for their lives, according to the analysis written afterward. Are you still here? Holland had dead-ended his career as chief of stan/eval, not an uncommon occurrence, but had a troublesome penchant for flying beyond regulation limits, either flying too low, too fast, or on the edge of the planes, capability. Narrative: Crashed during an airshow practice flight. At the last minute, Lieutenant Colonel Wolff was assigned to replace Pellerin, who had been called away. In the crash, Bud Holland, who was the command pilot of the aircraft based at Fairchild Air Force Base, call sign Czar 52, flew the aircraft beyond its operational parameters and lost control. At 2:16 p.m., the pilot of the KC-135 finished practicing his air-show maneuvers and landed his aircraft. God bless all our military & keep them safe. We see the same in the actions of other "madmen" who attempt to or do kill public figures or commit mass murder for obscure or no apparent reason. (Only Air Combat Command headquarters in Langley, Virginia, had the authority to approve maneuvers by a B-52, or any aircraft, outside its normal operating requirements or limitations.) On June 24, 1994, a United States Air Force B-52 crashed at Fairchild Air Force Base in Washington. As a physician, I have had much training and education in the field of Psychiatry and Psychology(more than the average physician by far)and have seen this kind of mindset in many others. With only a couple seconds to recover, the pilot was able to get enough power to the engines to lift the right wing away from the dirt of the infield. I have read Dr. Tony Kern's analysis of this incident and the preceding events which allowed it to happen and have seen many other examples of the same sorft of thing during my active duty years in the Air Force. Fortunately, no one on the ground was killed or injured. It should also be considered that, in the events preceding this horrendous event(note: I do not call it an accident! The aerial maneuver, known as a "hammerhead," gives the audience a top view of the aircraft as it appears to be flying on its side. The B-52 stalled, fell to the ground and exploded, killing Holland and the three other field-grade officers on board the aircraft. Although it seems I should have known him, since we overlapped for several years in the SAC force in the late 1970s, I do not recall him. Regarding B-52H ejection seats: there are four seats on the upper deck that eject upward - pilot, copilot, EWO, and the seat formerly occupied by the gunner located next to the EWO. It is believed that Holland's turn was to avoid flying through the restricted airspace over the facility near South Arizona Avenue. She said investigators were studying the accident, looking for causes that could range from mechanical failure to pilot error to weather conditions. Meg, my heart broke for your family that day too, I cannot imagine all the pain you all went through and how much extra your hearts hurt b/c of the "blame" factor. Someone mentionned having pictures of b52 crash at KI Aawyer. I'm a veteran prison b!tch and I have the over-stretched a$$hole to prove it. I was a gunner on B-52s during my first 11 years of my career. Assigned to Fairchild AFB in 1988, Lieutenant Colonel Bud Holland had a reputation in the Strategic Air Command as a hot-stick, a highly skilled pilot who pushed aircraft to their limits. The B-52 aircraft, callsign Czar 52,[4] took off at 13:58 and completed most of the mission's elements without incident. Air Force and societal cultures do not reward people who blow the whistle on abuses of power. "Test flying" is probably the most boring type of flying you can possibly do - fly precise parameters while the computers record the data. B52 crews are the best in the world & in an aircraft over 50 years old. He was trying to do a 360 sharp turn around the tower where he put too much aggressive bank input into the yoke. Some would logically call it "Temporary Insanity", a term frowned upon by most. Normal climb is 6-8 degrees, Widnall wrote (The Seattle Times). He was also the Vice Wing Commander at Fairchild A.F.B. He had been practicing landings in virtually the exact spot where the B-52 augered in. An automatic ejection sequencing system similar to the B-1B and EA-6 was also explored. So let's stop the speculationstick with the factsB-52 stalled as a result of excessive bank anglethat was an escape hatch flying off aircraft just before impactBud Holland was a good stick who had, in the past, pushed the envelopebut we don't know what he or the other pilot did in those last few seconds. The rumor was that in addition to the snow the plane was having engine problems. As far as I can see (I'm not a pilot but I do fly simulators which are very accurate regarding the physics of flight and the behaviour of many different aircraft in flight and their dynamics) this incident was a case of pushing the plane too far, anyone with a basic knowledge of flying knows that if you bank at too steep an angle at too slow a speed you will stall, the nose will tip and the plane starts to fall towards ground, catastrophic if you're only 200 feet above ground, okay if you are a few thousand feet and have gravity to help increase your airspeed, get your flaps down and nose up and you will recover from the stall. I have seen over and over the arrogant attitude like LtCol Holland had. by Dario Leone In June 1994, while practicing for an upcoming air show at. In 1994 a B-52 Pilot 's Wild Maneuver Crashed His Plane (And We've Got Picture and Video) A terrible accident. Seems like it would have been better suited for his way of wanting to fly. On Monday, May 22, Colonel James Van Orsdol, the judge advocate presiding over the court-martial, accepted General Griffiths sentence recommendation. Photos of Lt Col McGeehan have been published but apparently there are no available photos of Holland. Bud lost respect for the aircraft and the lives of others. [1]The subsequent investigation concluded that the crash was attributable primarily to three factors: Holland's personality and behavior, USAF leaders' delayed or inadequate reactions to earlier incidents involving Holland, and the sequence of events during the aircraft's final flight. On another occasion, Holland put his B-52 into a death spiral over one of his daughters' high school softball games. You do not have permission to delete messages in this group, Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message. Again, the pilot had a history of pushing his aircraft to the edge of the flight envelope, and beyond safe limits. I Am a former member of 410th CES assigned to Sawyer and was a member of the Prime Beef Team assigned to the crash of 1Apr.1977. OF COURSE the simple excuse is "PILOT ERROR" ,because, the alternative, MECHANICAL ERROR could reqire grounding a "fleet" of aircraft. You've got to be kidding me!!! Prior to the advent of intercontinental ballistic missiles, the B-52s, flown by the U.S. Air Force, Strategic Air Command, were the countrys first line of defense against surprise attacks during the Cold War. I am researching these accidents and need some input if you were there during '67-69 and remember the crashes. He was vectored away to a different area several miles to the south of the crash site. During a practice flight for the Fairchild air show, he flew too low and banked too steeply, resulting in the deaths of four high-ranking Air Force officers and the loss of a $54 million aircraft. 24, 1994 at Fairchild Air Force Base, southwest of Spokane, Washington, a Boeing B-52H Stratofortress, serial number 61-0026, call sign Czar Five Two, was being flown by Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Alan ("Bud") Holland, the aircraft commander, with the commanding officer of the 325th Bomb Squadron, Lieutenant Colonel Mark C. McGeehan, as On Saturday, June 25, 1994, Air Force accident investigators combed through the blackened wreckage, looking for clues to why the 89-ton bomber crashed. When you eject the firing sequence blows the leading edge of the door up, then the rest of the ejection sequence can follow. Apparently Holland fancied himself the best B-52 pilot who ever lived and took pride in displaying his prowess in inappropriate, irresponsible ways. Hollands story became a primer for Air Force commanders in dealing with potentially rogue pilots who had to be clamped down upon to avoid catastrophes. I was a high school student at Gwinn & my father was the head of disaster preparedness. A clone is an exact duplicate of the original. Accidents are listed in sequence by date. NO CHANCE TO RECOVER. I feel so full! Interesting comment about the low level B52/KC135 demo flights. His shenanigans proved doubly egregious since his position demanded he set the standards for other wing pilots. Characteristics that are now chided in the reports and other descriptions of USAF pilots were once characteristics that were often up to a point well regarded and hot pilots were looked up to and many did push the envelope to a point. Jim. ??? By the time of the fatal air show practice, his squadron commander insisted that he alone would fly with Holland to keep him in check. Holland had attended a special course that explored edge-of-the-envelope maneuvers to be used during war. Worse, he got away with repeated aerial outrages that should have permanently grounded him on several counts. I am always a veteran, and there is nothing you can say or do to change that! About 50 people, including children, were outside on the school grounds, watching the planes practice. I must've sucked at least 50 peters today! In June 1994, while practicing for an upcoming air show at Fairchild AFB, WA, Lt. Col. I was there a couple of weeks later and saw the very large burn spot. My brother and I have grown up, and moved on with families of our own and are doing well. Eventually, it catches up with those who abuse their power as it did with LtCol Holland, but many lives are destroyed along the way, though not often in such dramatic fashion. A letter of reprimand and a piddling fine for 4 months to one person. I digested the name and months later when I became the aircrew training officer and walked into a classroom with 36 B-52 crew members, the first person to greet me was Lt Col Bud Holland. It achieves roll control entirely through spoilerons mounted near the center of the wing in about the same place as most gliders. Its like Tom Cruze in " Oblivian " I have a clone!!!! 3 or 4 seats upward eject (Pilot, Co-Pilot, ECM, and on newer models the Tail Gunner) and 2 downward (Navigator & Bombardier). Before the aircraft hit the ground, it was flying at approximately 170 miles per hour, Czar 52 narrowly missed a three-story brick building housing the Air Force Survival School where some 300 students, instructors, and staff members wereenjoying a farewell party for Squadron Commander Lieutenant Colonel Kent Reedy. They all was yelling at him not to " ordit " the tower like a Maverick "top gun". Mack I know your out there contact me. I used to like women but all of those years in prison changed me. This is all much supposition on my part, but having seen much of the same kind of mindset from others in my life, I can say it is a realistic and likely scenario. With the senior officers delegated to fly with him on this day, he could probably see the "handwriting on the wall" that this was either his last or nearly last flight. Why are there no photos of Lt Col Bud Holland anywhere on the internet? On June 24, 1994, a giant U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortress crashes at Fairchild Air Force Base, Spokane County, while rehearsing maneuvers for an air show, killing four airmen. The first aircraft launched into the sun and then at the prescribed 15 second (plus or minus two seconds) interval, the 2nd aircraft launched and then another B-52 launched at 15 seconds. Tons of Military shows and, >Yeah, I'm sure he's glad he didn't fly over the storage site as he, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQa4PpIkOZU, http://www.crm-devel.org/resources/paper/darkblue/darkblue.htm, http://www.check-six.com/Crash_Sites/Czar52Crash.htm, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1994_Fairchild_Air_Force_Base_B-52_crash, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJGMl1-fsbg, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nk8VHxlkZ3s, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13pIC3YcYjQ. Stop impersonating the OG X AF outlaw!!!! You are talking bout your self and how you would take it if you walked in my shoes! However, life sciences investigators could not determine if he subsequently squeezed one or both firing triggers to fire his seat after the hatch cleared the aircraft. My mom just came home and I'm not supposed to be on her computer since she caught me watching gay porn online. Colonel Brooks, approved by the Senate for a promotion to brigadier general, turned over command of Fairchild AFB to Brigadier General Gary Voellger on July 1, 1994, when the base officially became an air-refueling facility. He was not an idiot, but doing what he did was idiocy and actions clearly of someone who was ready to not only die, but take some others with him. its a fact! We White Boys are so GAY!!!! My son, now retired, was a helicopter pilot at Fairchild when this happened. on 2004-May-25 18:55:22 Anonymous coward said, on 2004-Jun-13 07:06:54 Anonymous coward said, on 2004-Jun-30 17:37:34 Anonymous coward said, on 2004-Jul-01 02:08:13 Anonymous coward said, on 2004-Jul-26 19:03:44 Anonymous coward said, on 2004-Sep-16 00:36:25 Anonymous coward said, on 2004-Sep-16 18:59:01 Anonymous coward said, on 2004-Sep-21 13:09:13 Anonymous coward said, on 2004-Oct-17 14:40:17 Anonymous coward said, on 2004-Oct-17 14:42:27 Anonymous coward said, on 2004-Oct-21 17:02:06 Anonymous coward said, on 2004-Nov-08 13:50:33 Anonymous coward said, on 2004-Nov-17 12:42:12 Anonymous coward said, on 2005-Jan-04 02:51:03 Anonymous coward said, on 2005-Jan-19 17:57:43 Anonymous coward said, on 2005-Jan-19 18:01:55 Anonymous coward said, on 2005-Jan-28 11:18:51 Anonymous coward said, on 2005-Feb-13 10:19:19 Anonymous coward said, on 2005-Feb-18 19:35:03 Anonymous coward said, on 2005-Feb-18 19:35:12 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Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Jul-31 17:37:28 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Aug-07 11:35:36 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Aug-26 00:04:57 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Aug-26 00:30:30 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Sep-02 23:26:57 Jeffrey Bania said, on 2007-Sep-05 16:03:31 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:15:32 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:18:11 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:18:44 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:19:06 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:20:28 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:21:16 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:22:06 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:22:29 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:22:55 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:23:31 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:23:50 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:24:57 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:25:18 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:25:45 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:26:08 Pat McGeehan said, on 2007-Sep-12 11:26:54 Pat McGeehan said, on 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2007-Nov-20 05:58:00 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-03 12:36:16 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-03 12:36:30 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-18 17:35:07 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-18 17:56:52 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-21 22:30:53 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-21 22:32:48 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-25 00:38:39 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-25 00:39:07 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-25 00:51:08 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-25 00:55:46 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-25 00:56:34 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-25 00:57:08 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-27 14:01:28 Anonymous coward said, on 2007-Dec-29 13:03:50 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-11 11:01:29 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-11 11:02:28 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-11 11:02:51 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-11 11:03:16 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-11 11:03:37 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-11 11:04:04 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-11 11:04:28 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-11 11:04:50 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-11 11:05:19 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-15 18:33:44 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-24 15:20:15 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-24 18:00:59 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-24 21:25:56 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jan-25 14:08:33 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-10 03:51:52 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-10 03:56:40 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-10 03:57:48 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-10 03:59:34 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-25 09:28:26 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-25 18:03:44 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-25 18:07:53 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-26 08:05:26 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-26 08:06:01 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-26 08:06:39 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-26 08:06:57 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-26 08:07:51 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-26 08:34:48 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-26 08:35:22 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-26 08:36:18 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-29 16:22:33 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-29 16:26:20 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Feb-29 16:31:29 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Mar-16 22:47:49 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Mar-31 15:12:57 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Apr-07 22:18:50 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-May-03 10:46:43 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-May-04 17:54:31 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-May-08 21:36:55 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-May-16 19:07:30 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-May-16 19:17:26 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-May-16 19:30:44 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-May-16 19:37:50 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-May-17 00:06:52 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-May-17 00:23:38 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-May-20 05:30:34 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-May-29 03:48:57 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-08 20:46:16 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-10 00:45:07 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-11 14:51:44 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-11 14:53:25 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-18 01:15:35 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-21 01:33:59 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-21 10:34:19 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-21 13:28:43 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-21 13:29:43 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-21 17:49:24 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-21 18:03:34 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-21 18:04:04 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-21 18:07:36 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-22 16:10:54 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-22 17:10:54 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-22 22:11:50 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-22 22:19:16 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-22 22:19:54 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-22 22:28:38 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-23 02:02:47 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-23 02:04:42 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-23 02:07:25 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-23 02:09:07 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-23 02:09:40 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-23 02:15:29 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Jul-31 03:10:01 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Aug-12 20:58:50 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Aug-12 20:59:48 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Aug-12 21:02:16 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Aug-12 21:03:10 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Aug-12 21:04:28 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Aug-24 09:30:08 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Aug-29 22:46:03 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Sep-04 23:59:55 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Sep-21 11:40:06 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Oct-04 07:49:51 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Oct-09 08:01:19 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Oct-30 18:11:07 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Nov-18 10:27:41 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Nov-18 10:28:02 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Dec-06 01:51:03 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Dec-06 01:57:22 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Dec-06 02:03:44 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Dec-06 02:10:28 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Dec-08 20:55:26 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Dec-08 20:58:46 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Dec-09 15:00:21 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Dec-09 15:04:42 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Dec-09 15:30:17 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Dec-09 15:35:43 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Dec-27 04:52:08 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Dec-27 04:54:31 Anonymous coward said, on 2008-Dec-27 05:00:58 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Feb-19 16:39:11 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-May-24 03:27:57 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-May-30 21:46:01 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Jul-23 05:33:08 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Aug-18 12:47:53 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Aug-18 20:22:05 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Aug-18 20:24:49 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Sep-18 16:33:47 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Oct-22 05:44:21 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Oct-27 18:37:41 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Oct-30 02:22:41 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 13:05:20 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 13:09:19 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 13:12:32 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 13:15:00 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 13:17:54 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 13:20:24 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 13:22:27 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 13:32:54 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 13:44:34 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 13:52:07 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 14:05:45 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 14:19:31 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 14:24:26 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 14:31:25 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 15:15:46 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-02 15:21:03 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-08 00:51:56 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-08 11:46:28 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-08 11:55:33 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-08 12:00:06 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-08 12:06:59 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-20 22:50:46 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-20 22:55:28 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-20 22:59:16 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Nov-20 23:03:29 Anonymous coward said, on 2009-Dec-05 21:26:35 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-04 13:28:53 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-04 13:30:41 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-04 13:31:13 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-04 13:32:02 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-04 13:32:24 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-04 13:33:54 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-04 13:34:15 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-04 13:34:33 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-04 13:34:58 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-04 13:35:25 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-05 17:32:57 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-05 18:11:17 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-05 18:23:43 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-14 05:40:05 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-14 05:41:35 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-14 05:43:32 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-14 05:44:52 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-14 05:46:00 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-14 05:46:54 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jan-18 18:56:46 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Feb-02 13:43:28 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Mar-15 19:45:43 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Mar-15 19:46:20 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Mar-15 19:46:37 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-May-31 18:09:58 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-May-31 18:22:42 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-May-31 18:24:41 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-May-31 18:27:02 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-May-31 18:30:20 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-May-31 18:31:33 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-May-31 20:08:19 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-May-31 20:16:18 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-May-31 20:34:32 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-May-31 20:42:15 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-May-31 21:07:13 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-May-31 21:19:17 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jun-26 02:32:42 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jul-17 04:25:24 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jul-17 19:45:11 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Jul-17 19:47:52 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Aug-11 14:10:44 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Aug-11 14:11:59 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Aug-11 14:12:57 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Aug-11 14:13:25 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Aug-11 14:13:59 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Aug-11 14:14:30 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Aug-11 14:15:18 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Aug-11 14:16:15 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Aug-11 14:16:40 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Aug-11 14:17:17 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Aug-11 14:17:41 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Aug-23 17:54:52 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Aug-23 17:59:27 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Sep-05 01:39:01 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Sep-05 01:39:49 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Sep-05 01:41:22 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Oct-03 13:00:39 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Oct-03 13:04:04 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Oct-03 13:04:31 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Oct-05 08:06:16 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Oct-05 08:10:25 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Oct-21 01:10:52 Anonymous coward said, on 2010-Oct-22 14:53:46 Anonymous coward said, on 2011-Jan-16 21:40:58 ex B-52 aircrew said, on 2011-Feb-10 10:36:11 Dr. Tracy M. Baker said, on 2012-Jan-25 23:27:45 roy g chandler, Lt Col, USAF, (Ret) said, on 2012-Feb-13 01:02:16 G. Testerman said, on 2012-Jul-15 23:28:10 Grant Stewart said, on 2012-Oct-11 12:59:23 Dr. Tracy Baker said, on 2012-Nov-10 23:12:30 Whitney Thompson said, on 2013-May-05 23:56:31 Former mishap investigator said, on 2013-May-10 22:12:22 Joel Van Engen said, on 2014-Mar-01 16:34:54 SSgt S Masters said, on 2014-Mar-19 15:05:03 MarshallUmps said, on 2014-Oct-02 23:34:36 Lou McKellar said, on 2015-Jan-16 10:08:35 Dr. Tracy Baker said, on 2016-Nov-02 13:49:28 Craig B52 pilot said, on 2016-Dec-16 17:50:24 Jim Roux (Kanga) said, on 2016-Dec-31 04:11:40 Flying nerd sqaud said, on 2017-Jan-02 15:13:04 Flying nerd squad said, on 2017-Jan-03 09:59:19 Anonymous Caucasian said, on 2017-Jan-15 18:36:16 Tammi Rogers said, on 2017-Jan-17 20:33:59 the REAL X AF outlaw said, on 2017-Jan-17 21:23:38 The true X AF outlaw said, on 2017-Jan-19 13:34:53 The REAL X AF outlaw said, on 2017-Jan-19 17:48:17 Original X AF outlaw said, on 2017-Jan-20 09:27:31 The non-gay X AF outlaw said.

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