There seems to be almost as many different perspectives with which to view the issue of religion as there are possible religions to guide one through one's time on the Planet. Historically, religion has been a tremendous force for good, and a terrible impetus for evil. Influenced by their own religion, of course, there will be dispute among religions. Healthcare here is universal, state-run, tax-subsidized, and it couldn't be better. until its time to treat everyone equally. Public spaces, organisations, dinner parties, even relationships and casual conversations are rife with regulations and red tape that seemingly are there to dictate our every move. No problem: the county provides taxi service for my daughter, free of charge. Rules, like good policing, should rely on our consent. Such a secular haven really exists, in the here and now. there will be no hassle for every person if they want to get married. No society is without its troubles and challenges. One danger is that rules can develop their own momentum: people can become so fervent about arbitrary rules of dress, dietary restrictions or the proper treatment of the sacred that they may exact the most extreme punishments to maintain them. People created a religion to bring people together and live in an understanding that everyone is equal. In many other countries in the region, such as Pakistan, India and Indonesia, affiliation is all but universal across both age groups. If you have a question you would like to be answered, please email either send us a message onFacebookorTwitteror A game may start by kicking a pigs bladder from one end of a village to another, with ill-defined teams, and potentially riotous violence. There are no homeless people, begging in the streets. In Australia, the gap is 23 points (43% vs. 66%), and in Japan it is 18 points (31% vs. 49%). It is also common in Europe, where 19 out of 35 countries show significant gaps. Relatively speaking. If each of us had to justify each rule from scratch (why we drive on the left in some countries, and on the right in others; why we say please and thank you), our minds would grind to a halt. Byron was a notorious rule breaker in his personal life, but he was also a stickler for rhyme and metre. Sadness (Kalungkutan) Advertisement bjosh0329 Answer: But without some rules and some tendency for us to stick to them society would slide rapidly into pandemonium. Of course, survey data like these cannot prove that believing certain actions are obligatory for Christians actually causes Christians to behave in particular ways. (For more details, see, One-quarter of Christians say dressing modestly is essential to what being Christian means to them, and an additional four-in-ten say it is important, but not essential. (For more details, see, When asked to describe, in their own words, what being a moral person means to them, 23% of religious nones cite the golden rule or being kind to others, 15% mention being a good person and 12% mention being tolerant and respectful of others. There is also a 7-point gap in the average Middle Eastern country, led by Lebanon (20-point gap) and Algeria (12 points). On March 15, 2019, terrible news shunned the whole world. Measuring religious observance by weekly attendance at worship services does not work equally well for all major religious groups. _ 3. But chess or football without rules wouldnt be chess or football they would be entirely formless and meaningless activities. In Conclusion. Expert Answer 100% (1 rating) Ques 1) Without religion we can still be defined as a human. 2011. Or would the world have been worse-off without religion? Indeed, research has found that religious identity is more likely to be influenced by events in early adulthood than later.18. No religion ever teaches to spread violence and discrimination. For more details, see . Not only that, when a puppet (controlled by an experimenter) arrives on the scene and begins to violate the rules, children will criticise the puppet, protesting with comments such as You are doing that wrong! They will even attempt to teach the puppet to do better. Indeed, at the global level, younger Muslims attend mosque less frequently, on average, than older Muslims, just as younger Christians attend church less often than older Christians. Nick Chater receives funding from ESRC. Again, by this measure, gap sizes vary by region. Other key findings in this report include: The remainder of this report explores these and other findings in greater depth. Averaging the national percentages in each of the 106 countries surveyed yields a global picture that clearly reinforces the regional patterns: The share of younger adults in the average country worldwide who claim a religion is 85%, compared with 90% among people ages 40 or older. Perhaps the simplest way to measure attachment to religion among people of all ages is to look at the percentage of people who identify with a religious group. Religious Beliefs -often unify people in a culture. A few decades ago, the generic pronoun in written language was widely assumed to be male: he/him/his. If you will be a journalist/writer/reporter what will be the topic of your feature story/news? Looked at another way, young adults are more likely to be religiously unaffiliated. In the average country around the world, adults under 40 are 6 percentage points less likely than older people to say they go to worship services weekly (36% vs. 42%). In the U.S., 44% of young adults engage in daily prayer, compared with 62% of those ages 40 and older. Looking at specific religious groups, half (50%) of younger Christians in the average country in contrast to 56% of those in the older age group say religion is very important in their lives. How Gender Stereotypes Foster In The Workplace? By contrast, relatively few religious nones say they discuss religion with any regularity. And rules about driving on the left or the right, stopping at red lights, queueing, not littering, picking up our dog's deposits and so on fall into the same category. So, yes, standing on the right on an escalator may speed up everyones commute to work but be careful of conventions that have no obvious benefit to all, and especially those that discriminate, punish and condemn. Planning restrictions, safety regulations and risk assessments can seem to accumulate endlessly and may extend their reach far beyond any initial intention. By contrast, only three-in-ten people who are classified as not highly religious (31%) say religion is very important in their lives, and most of the rest (38%) say religion is "not too" or "not at all" important to them. If you liked this story,sign up for the weekly features newsletter, called The Essential List. However, in several other areas of day-to-day life including interpersonal interactions, attention to health and fitness, and social and environmental consciousness Pew Research Center surveys find that people who pray every day and regularly attend religious services appear to be very similar to those who are not as religious.2. But you don't actually have to imagine too hard -- just hop on a plane to Denmark. But we must be careful for this way tyranny also lies. For instance, highly religious people are about as likely as other Americans to say they lost their temper recently . University of Warwick provides funding as a founding partner of The Conversation UK. See Putnam, Robert D. and David E. Campbell. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Older adults in Georgia mostly came of age during the Soviet period, when religion was repressed including by Georgian-born leader Joseph Stalin. On most of these questions, the report compares highly religious Americans with those who are less religious and also looks at differences among members of a variety of religious groups. After long years, But as a behavioural scientist I believe that it is not really rules, norms and customs in general that are the problem but the unjustified ones. , d with two sticks. Adults under 40 are less likely to be religiously affiliated, Weekly religious service attendance: Young adults worship less often in both Christian and Muslim populations, Daily prayer: Large age gaps in the Americas, Unusual age patterns in religious commitment linked to violent conflict, 3. However, there are few differences by level of education. Individuals, and societies, face a continual battle over rules and we must be cautious about their purpose. In calculating the averages, each country is weighted equally, regardless of population size. Promotes more detrimental morals and ethics. generation? Doing wrong deeds 5. Critisism 3. Lots of the norms of everyday life perform precisely the same function as the rules of games telling us what moves we can, and cant, make. 22. Planning restrictions, safety regulations and risk assessments can seem to accumulate endlessly and may extend their reach far beyond any initial intention. The elements of religion are: (a) reflects an effort to elevate their wholeself to a higher dimension of existence, (b) a framework oftranscendent beliefs, (c) text or scriptures, (d) rituals, and (e) sacred spaces(e.g., church, temple, mosque, synagogue). Experiments show that children, by the age of three, can be taught entirely arbitrary rules for playing a game. Liberia is a major outlier by this measure; younger Liberians are much more likely than their older compatriots to say they worship at least weekly (85% vs. 66%). Will, 28, London. What if there had been no religion? Essentials of Christian identity vary by level of religiosity; many nones say honesty vital to being a moral person, 3. Especially to those people who really believe and worship theirs, therefore, in my own perspective, having no religion in a society . Religion is another major factor that causes discrimination and affirms social hierarchy. One danger is that rules can develop their own momentum: people can become so fervent about arbitrary rules of dress, dietary restrictions or the proper treatment of the sacred that they may exact the most extreme punishments to maintain them. Religious Issues. We cant blame religion for the state of humanity were in right now. Or lets return to the case of sport. In sub-Saharan Africa, younger and older adults attend at similarly high rates (averages of 78% and 79%, respectively). Consider, too, how rules are the essence of sport, games and puzzles even when their entire purpose is supposedly fun. But what if, religion never existed? Chapter 3 reports on where members of various religious groups say they look for guidance when making major life decisions or thinking about tough moral questions. About a quarter (27%) say they talk about religion at least once a month with their extended families, and 33% say they discuss religion as often with people outside their families. Among respondents in the supplemental survey, 28% are highly religious by the definition employed here, and 72% are not. Fully eight-in-ten Americans say they rely a lot on their own research when making major decisions. But it ends up, after a few centuries, with a hugely complex rule book dictating every detail of the game. The political economist Elinor Ostrom (who shared the Noble Prize for economics in 2009) observed the same phenomenon of spontaneous rule construction when people had collectively to manage common resources such as common land, fisheries, or water for irrigation. Not only does religion turn people against each other on the basis that they dont believe in each others ideologies, but it also hinders scientific developments and successes. In addition, younger adults in Ghana where clan-based violence over royal succession killed more than 2,000 people in the early 1990s are more likely to be affiliated and to say that religion is very important. Muslims responses about the importance of religion in their lives show less of a consistent age gap. The urge to overturn stifling, unjust or simply downright pointless rules is entirely justified. Religious Landscape Study national telephone survey. The side on which the player beats is called the "batter head" and the lower side the "snare head." Imagine a society where people see Jesus as perhaps a nice man who taught some nice things, but was certainly not a miracle-performing son of any god. And it is simultaneously a world-wide phenomenon that has promoted evil, unhealthy, immoral behavior. This gives them more power to control the lower class. And while only a handful of highly religious people are religiously unaffiliated, about a quarter of less religious respondents (27%) identify as atheist, agnostic or nothing in particular.. To help make sense of an enormous pool of data, this report sometimes cites global averages of country-level data. There also are important demographic differences between the highly religious and those who are less religious.8They also are more likely to align with the Republican Party than the Democratic Party, and they are somewhat older, on average, than those who are less religious. To help explore this question, the survey asked U.S. adults whether each of a series of 16 beliefs and behaviors is essential, important but not essential, or not important to what their religion means to them, personally. Asking respondents how important religion is in their lives goes one step further, and may be the most direct way to gauge the intensity of that connection. Write your answers on the space provided.1. I dont blame the pioneers that created a religion in the first place. What is th meaning of mapanuring pag-iisip. The survey in Liberia was conducted in 2009; all adults under 40 in the survey would have been born after 1969, with most coming of age during wartime. Read about our approach to external linking. From Hindus taking fasts and crowding temples every occasion to Rastafarians smoking cannabis and living naturally, religion is spread far and wide. As might be expected, the religious makeup of the highly religious and less religious also are quite distinct. Younger adults in many different parts of the world are less likely than their elders to say that religion is very important to them. Public spaces, organisations, dinner parties, even relationships and casual conversations are rife with regulations and red tape that seemingly are there to dictate our every move. Fully half of highly religious American adults (49%) identify with evangelical Protestant denominations, compared with about one-in-five (19%) of those who are not highly religious. This is why people continue with the idea of discrimination and oppression either knowingly or unknowingly. The three most prominent effects of discrimination are Inferiority, fear, and anger. On balance, and ultimately, has religion been a "good" thing or a "bad" thing? Second, people can clearly find meaning in their lives outside of religious paradigms. T he United States had long been a holdout among Western democracies, uniquely and perhaps even suspiciously devout. Young adults are, on the whole, less likely than their elders to say they attend religious services every week. Part of HuffPost Religion. For example, nearly half of highly religious Americans defined as those who say they pray every day and attend religious services each week gather with extended family at least once or twice a month.1By comparison, just three-in-ten Americans who are less religious gather as frequently with their extended families. , Kroger, Jane, Monica Martinussen and James E. Marcia. Of course, many animals behave in highly ritualistic ways for example, the bizarre and complex courtship dances of different species of bird of paradise but these patterns are wired into their genes, not invented by past generations of birds. There was no wait, the office was clean and aesthetically pleasing, the doctor was professional yet easy-going, and it was totally free. In Byronic moments of artistic individualism, I might dreamily think of liberating myself from them. Some Lewis Carroll in his poem Jabberwocky, for example have made a success of a degree of literary anarchy. It was created keeping in mind that humans need some sort of fear in their minds that could stop them from doing the wrong thing. Even the ancient societies based their worldviews on religion. There is a particularly large gap in religious affiliation 28 percentage points in Canada (49% of adults under 40 and 77% of older adults are affiliated). A good place to start is to imagine life in a world without rules. In fact, the only two countries out of a combined 30 in these regions with an affiliation gap are Chad and Ghana, where young adults are more likely than their elders to claim a religious affiliation making these nations the only exceptions to the prevailing pattern around the world. In Europe, weekly attendance is less common overall, but there is still an age gap (10% vs. 16%). As we see, earlier white man's . and How will you respond to the call to be a person for others?, list down several ways of celebrating the holy mass meaning-fully, In what way we can say that religion cannot be an absolute authority in our ethical discernment? Part of HuffPost Impact. We might dream of a world where there are no rules, but how practical would it be? (They're also well dressed and their taxis couldn't be cleaner.). Some prior studies also have found linkages between religious behavior and better health outcomes, though the reasons for this are debated. While the general trend throughout the world is for younger people to enjoy more peace and prosperity than previous generations forming the basis for one possible explanation for the persistent age gap in religious commitment this is not always the case. Every religious book teaches and preaches about peace and harmony and how it helps humanity prosper. Wake up to the day's most important news. The trouble with anarchy, though, is that it is inherently unstable humans continually, and spontaneously, generate new rules governing behaviour, communication and economic exchange, and they do so as rapidly as old rules are dismantled. Young adults around the world are less religious by several measures, Importance of religion: Older adults regard religion as less important in only two countries, Religious Characteristics of Demographic Groups. The causal arrow could point in the other direction: It may be easier for those who regularly engage in particular behaviors to cite those behaviors as essential to their faith.

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